The Western Gate (British Columbia) of Canada is Opening Up…

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The Western Gate (British Columbia) of Canada is Opening Up
Prophetic Word
February 24, 2021
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch
During a High Level Strategic Prayer Meeting this week with a precious group of leaders from BC and Alberta I was taken into the spirit and saw hundreds of acres of Orchards in BC, row after row of healthy fruit trees. There was so much fruit on these trees ! The weight of the fruit caused the boughs to hang low. It was a beautiful sight to see! This was the biggest harvest the region had ever seen.
Then I watched as this fruit was gathered and harvested into big wooden baskets. The fruit was taken to a winery, it felt so warm there, pressing and producing rich wine over the years.
Now this harvest was being processed and crushed into juice to make new wine. The unity that came through this crushing was bitter sweet. It was happening in an unexpected way, many were so hurting and going through so much, this pressing was intense.
The restrictions and the crushing had affected everyone.
No one was exempt. In this process all were now flowing as one as the juices all mingled together. The Body was becoming one.
I also saw the old wine from years past and it remained so very special and smooth and was not forgotten, but treasured.
This New Wine was being released and New Wineskins were being established.
This harvest is big and it is coming ! Many conversions, individuals, families and whole ethnic groups coming into salvation and full on revival.
I was also shown a large Port on the coast. It was opening up in a whole new way. I saw evil plans, schemes, individuals and illegal activity being intercepted and shut down by the Ecclesia. Many were brought into the Kingdom of God. Special task teams were on assignment and taking back the Port with Righteousness. The Lord was taking what the enemy meant for evil and was turning it for good.
I also saw Blessings coming out of Beautiful British Columbia and the New Wine and New Wineskins being exported from this Western Gateway. I saw teams of believers being sent out to the Nations as missionaries with the Heart of God, bringing healing for the Nations.
The Ecclesia is coming up into its rightful position.
New unity is coming through the body through this Kingdom reset.
I was then taken to a place where I saw the enemy had built a huge dam. It was massive, and had held back the blessings of the Father for decades. There were intercessors on the top of it in prayer as on the wall. I watched as a crack developed in the dam and it was leaking badly, the prayer had clearly fractured it, It did not take long for it to come down and collapse once the water began to flow. It came down quickly and a wave of revival and Glory flooded the land. Decades that had been withheld was released. It brought cleansing and renewal across the land.
I was then taken high above the province and saw it as a map, I could see the Municipal boundaries and borders, the closer that I looked I realized that it was actually a map of electoral ridings.
These ridings were colored as to which party held majority.
I then found myself looking through the crosshairs scope of a missile that was targeted on a riding with great precision. It was in an instant that as the missile hit its target the riding flipped color. As I continued to watch, riding after riding began flipping and changing color. I knew that the power was changing hands as the ecclesia fasted, prayed and targeted as the Lord lead.
I was taken into an institutional building where there was a key leader that the Lord gave hundreds of keys. He was a man of honor, integrity and carried great courage and wisdom and had God given authority in the region. He was pure gold, and the Lord was entrusting him with these keys. I watched as he walked through the hallways of building after building unlocking doors giving access to the body to carry the goodness, righteousness and the love of God.
I saw another key leader being raised up and given a new gavel.
There was a Governmental authority coming with a passion for justice. They had a prophetic boldness, discernment, they were given words of knowledge, giving insight to area and situations that would bring exposure, and wisdom beyond opponents for breakthroughs. They would have the victory ensured on their knees before they ever took the stand. They had the favor of God on them cloaked in humility.
I saw another leader, there was new full on surrender, it was all on the table, they had new revelation and were now wide awake, now repositioning, called to a higher place. They were looking for confirmations and this was it. They were on track, they had new truth to be released, they were seeing correctly. I saw a sugar bowl given them, and as they shared truth a spoon full of sugar helped the medicine go down! There was a spirit of wisdom coming and bringing insight as to how to lead and bring truth for the region.
I saw another leader with a fathers heart of concern and a heart of compassion. I saw the spirit of intercession on him with the Fathers heart for the Region, the Western Gate. He had a gift of healing, strong teaching gift and dividing by the sword of the spirit the word of God would open up healing and communities, and many ethnic groups. He was a builder and a father and was laying foundations that would last for many generations to come.
I saw another powerful leader, the Father had taken them to 20,000 feet so they could see the big picture. They saw not only the Western Gate but also Nationally. The Lord was honoring them and they were not used to being in the limelight. Their humility and passion qualified them for their calling. They had a pen that was mightier than the sword and they were releasing His word to be released as they wrote and brought truth and revelation to the Nation.
We Decree and Declare Grace over this Western gate to fulfill the destiny of God. We call in the Harvest, the New Wine, Revival and Healing.
We Decree and Declare the Ecclesia stand up, take your place in the Region.
We Bless the Economy and Natural Resources in the Region and we release supernatural release of wealth over this region !
We bless British Columbia the Western Gate of Canada and we Declare and Decree that it be fully opened up for the Kingdom of God here and now in Jesus name for the Glory of God!