*** The Storm is upon us. The Awakening Bride ***
April 25,2020: 2:30 am
I woke up in the middle of the night with an intense, strong, weighty presence of the Lord on me. I was instantly awake and alert, and He started to speak to me and took me into an open vision. He had me stepping into portals that were like open windows that looked like video screens. He took me to one place after another, allowing me to look around and speaking to me as I saw scene after scene before my eyes.
I have not had an experience to the degree that this was, although I have had similar ones in the past. This was one of the strongest experiences that I have every had. This is as raw and as it was.
Please understand that this sort of personal experience is not easy to share with the risks of rejection and judgement from those that hear it. You may think it sounds like I am crazy, but I assure you that I am not. You can not hear it with natural ears, but you need to hear it with spiritual ears.
I feel I am to share it today, hot off the press so to speak.
So out of obedience to the Lord, and accountability I respectfully and soberly share this with you today.
When I first awoke, The Lord posted a question to me.
“What happens when hot and cold collide ?
What happens when a warm front, moves in on a cold front ?”
I was taken into the spirit and he showed me the horizon and clouds starting to form, and roll, and billow and a darkness started to cover the land.
Then, I heard “You get a cyclone, a storm” ”
I watched at the billowing clouds that turned into rolling clouds, turbulent and into a twisting formation that finally touched the ground. Then, I was given a satellite view and saw these “Whirlwinds” touching down across the globe. There was not one area that was not impacted by the storms that were raging.
I saw it all, such raging turmoil. Lightnings and thunder, pounding pouring rain, flooding. There were trees and forests being uprooted. Places the water was rushing over the banks and washing out banks, roads and bridges along the way.
Then I heard the Lord say “This is the My Kingdom Vs The Kingdom of Darkness” “Hot Front vs Cold Front” This is the storm that I was watching unfold.
What was unfolding was of epic proportions. The turmoil was more than immense.
There are days coming like never before. To say that it was sobering is a huge understatement.
As I watched the storm rage, it began to weaken and settle down, and the sky began to clear up.
I saw that the storm had cleansed the land, and kept hearing the word “Cleansing. Like in the days of Noah”
As the Ecclesia ( the Warm Front ) rises up against the dark rulers of this age ( the Cold Front ) and brings Justice and Righteousness into the Nations, displacing the current darkness, clashes and tensions will increase for a time as the great awakening is opened up. Ecclesia ( the Warm Front ) rises up against the dark rulers of this age ( the Cold Front ) and brings Justice and Righteousness into the Nations, displacing the current darkness, clashes and tensions will increase for a time as the great awakening is opened up.
I saw that all that was being uprooted, and shredded apart, all the darkness was being displaced by the Kingdom of God ! And as the dust settled and a new dawn arose, there was a beautiful peace and calm through out the whole atmosphere. Everything was going to come alive with healthy new growth. New LIFE . Out of the ashes and out of the devastation HOPE was once again predominant and sweeping through nations.
Then I heard the Lord say “The most important period in time is now. Because you are creating history in the moment, I am raising up a people to take back the land and there is conflict coming around the world as my bride wakes up ”
Respectfully Submitted,
Barry Wunsch
*** The Storm is upon us. The Awakening Bride ***…