**”Tell my people to Double Down !”**
Prophetic Encounter
May 1,2020, 3:00 am
Submitted by Barry Wunsch
Early this morning I woke up with a heavy presence of the Lord on me. I was instantly wide awake.
I heard the words “Tell my people to Double Down”
It was as serious, sobering and solemn as it gets. I could not get back to sleep, it was bothersome.
It was a direct order for me, so I once again I go out on a limb to share this, as clear and concise as it came.
As I prayed into the morning I believe that we are entering a new ERA, there is no question about it, and there is no stopping it.
We can not go on as we have and expect positive change for Canada in our families, churches, schools, government, business, media, arts and entertainment.
My sense was there is much, much more coming down the pipe that we are not prepared to deal with right now.
The enemy is pressing in and accross Canada, bringing enormous destruction, pain and suffering to people from every walk of life, coast to coast. Our rights and freedoms being eroded on every side. Not one of us is unaffected in one way or another.
It has caught most of us unprepared for it, or to deal with it for ourselves, let alone with resources, wisdom and strength to help others. We have not been in a position to effectively defend against it.
I knew that the call to double down this morning, is going to cost us. If we are going to defend Canada, and fight for Justice and Rightousness we need to examine our hearts, motives and values and put our words into actions.
The days of passivity have to come to an end if we want to stand a chance.
I pray that we can resolve in our hearts, families and communities to stand up together, in unity for Justice and Rightousness in Canada.
I pray that we would be a people of prayer, that His Kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven.
I declare and decree that we as a Body, and as a people shall henceforth Double Down.
I declare and decree that each one would find thier assignment and step up and into their destiny and calling from coast to coast.
May we hold our ground, and take back the ground that has been lost to the darkness.
Double Down: Definition
To reinforce one’s commitment to a venture or idea in spite of opposition or risk.
He is calling us to Double Down with Him in this hour and release the goodness of God.
He is calling us to restore hope.
He is calling us to redeem the land.
He is calling us to prosperity.
He is calling us to restore families.
He is calling us to bring righteousness in Government and Business.
He is calling us to bring healing and deliverance to the hurting and wounded.
He is calling for us to bring truth and light into the dark places.
May the Ekklesia arise !
Let’s be the best that we can be in this hour !
Sincerely, and respectfully submitted,
Barry Wunsch