Prophetic Word: This is only the beginning! February 25, 2023…

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Prophetic Word: This is only the beginning!
February 25, 2023
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch

Barry, tell my people that this is only the beginning!
This is only the start!
For what I am pouring out now is only a taste of what is yet to come!
For I am releasing a people who will not participate in
the religious games.
They could care less about what it looks like, or putting on a show!
These ones will not prostitute the things of the spirit for
their personal gain.
They shall refuse the platform to build personal kingdoms.
For it is I who judges the motives of the heart, and many will be disqualified for they are addicted to center stage when it belongs to Me!
For I inhabit the praises of my people – and how I long to be intimate with them.
I am calling my prodigals home!
I am calling my people to gather in unity!
There are many that have not stood at My altar for
fear of getting hurt by the brethren.
Afraid to trust, afraid of another knife in the back!
This has to stop!

The sifting and the shaking in my body has only just begun!

As I pour out My Spirit, as I bring revival rest assured you won’t have to kick and spur to make it happen when I am behind it!
You won’t need a foot pump to make it grow!
For I will send my rain!

There are pastors and leaders who are far from me, trying to manage things their own way, afraid of the mess and uncertainty of what they can not control.
They have restricted My altar for far too long.
To these ones, I am calling you back to your first love, and to step aside for Me to move.
It is much easier when you let me do it!

Let me help you open the eyes of your heart.
Let me help you open your ears of understanding.
You often gather together in prayer, but it turns into
something else.
Why would you partner, why would you participate with the accuser of the brethren?
Why would you bring accusations and build on suspicions against your brethren?
Do you not know that I shed my blood for all?
Do not forget that the ground at the foot of my cross was level for all!
Turn from those ways and love one another!
Fight for the good!

Do not get trapped again, for it is for Me to judge!

There is no need to be jealous of your brothers and sisters!
I have given each one gifts – each and everyone different than
It is by my design!
When you reject them, you reject Me!
So, on this day – I have given you grace to let it all go.
It is My hearts desire that you walk in unity!
Unity in diversity, not unity in conformity!
It has always been my prayer that we be one as the Father and I are one!

And yes, they will know you by your love!

So walk with me today, in love, in truth, in repentance and forgiveness and my blessing and anointing shall be poured out among you!
Holy is the word of the Lord

God Bless and Protect you and your families!
God Bless and Protect Israel!
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers, love and support. May God Richly Bless you all!

Barry Wunsch
PO Box 25069 Deer Park
Red Deer, Alberta
T4R 2M2

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