Prophetic Word, Things are going to get hotter! October 28,…

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Prophetic Word, Things are going to get hotter!
October 28, 2022

Barry, tell My people that things are running red hot and to get ready for I am about to turn it up even hotter!

For I am burning away everything that has beset the nations!

For there is nothing that will be able to withstand the all-consuming fire of My presence and great love for My people.
I will not relent until it has been brought to completion.
Nations will be brought down.
Those who have opposed me shall be shaken from their thrones.
For I am coming to establish My Kingdom upon the earth!

The hordes of hell that have been released on the land have had their day!
There will be nothing left of them by the time I am done!
For every structure and every stronghold shall be destroyed by the move of My Spirit!

“They have thought that they own the gold.
They do not!
They think that they can play with the weather!
I am putting a stop to it all!
No longer will they play with My creation!
They insist on poisoning my people and My land.
I will not have it!
“They think that they are gods.
They think they control life.
They are in dangerous territory!
For I assure you there is no one greater that I!
They insult Me and mock My name and lead My people down into the pit.
They bring famine, pestilence sickness and disease to take out My people.
They squeeze them and oppress them to fulfill their evil agenda.

They have put a date on the calendar, but it means nothing to me!
For it is I who created time, they have no idea who they are coming against!

CERN! I am calling you out!
CERN! You have crossed a line!
Rest assured it will cost you dearly!
I am going to stop you dead in your tracks!
It won’t take me but a minute!
Your losses will be great as it implodes before you for the world to see!
I am about to seal that demonic portal once and for all!
It will be brought to ashes!
Watch Me as I flip over the table in Switzerland.
Those that gather there have had their day.
I am overturning every plan that they have in play.

The nations will tremble!
There will be a mess left behind.
But rest assured, I have those in position on every hill to deploy at My word!
They will rebuild on My ancient foundations.
They will walk upon My ancient paths!
They will walk with me as I restore and redeem it all!
Nothing is too big for Me!
For I bring life!
And I bring life abundantly!
Prepare! Prepare! Prepare! For the great harvest ahead!

Get your house in order!
Keep short accounts!
Lay down your lives in love for one another!
Do not leave one behind!
Go in low, humble in heart for I resist the proud.
Do not lord yourself over one another.
Walk as one.
Get over your petty differences!
This is not a battle of flesh and blood, but a battle against powers and principalities.

Embrace and deploy the heavenly hosts for I have given you every weapon for victory!
It is time to rise up and walk in all that I have established for you!
For this is the hour and this is the time I have called you for!”
Holy is the word of the Lord.
Respectfully Submitted,
Barry Wunsch

God Bless and Protect you and your families!
God Bless and Protect Israel!

God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!

Most sincerely
Barry Wunsch
PO Box 25069 Deer Park
Red Deer, Alberta
T4R 2M2

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