Prophetic Word: Jezebel—control, manipulation, charismatic witchcraft— shall be exposed! March…

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Prophetic Word: Jezebel—control, manipulation, charismatic witchcraft— shall be exposed!
March 18, 2023
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch

“Barry, tell My people that the truth is about to be released!

For have I not said that the religious spirit, Jezebel—control, manipulation, charismatic witchcraft— shall be exposed!

It is time to recover MY ALTAR!

“I’m coming in the wrath of My love to drive out every unclean spirit, motive and insecurity that has beset you and My flock that I have called you to care for!

“The days of controlling and beating My sheep are done!

It is time to stop it!

You are called to beat back the enemy, not My people!

You have had a forked tongue; manipulating information, using it to bring lies and division into My Body for your own gain!

It is time for repentance!

I long for unity and yet you work against Me!

“Upgrades will come to those who surrender and come clean and turn their heart back unto Me!

No pulpit, board, or platform shall be overlooked!

It’s time to clean up! It is time to deal with the carnage that has been left in your wake!

“You have hidden behind cardboard boards; built hierarchy’s you control and manipulate; everything shall be exposed for what it is!
I have not called you to build a business – an industry!

I have called you to build My Kingdom!

“It is time to be truthful with yourself and give it back to Me before it is taken from you!

For I have called you too more than this!

I have called you to higher things! Why settle for less?

“For the harvest is upon you, the fields are ripe – set aside the distractions!

Gather together and seek My face and Mine alone and I will meet with you. For I am a good Father!

“I will give you My tender embrace, saturating you in My love.

For in My presence there is all that you need or ever desire. I will heal every heart. I will bring fullness of joy and gladness forevermore!

“Let Me embrace you, My sons and My daughters, and let Me restore your souls!
My people are desperate for My touch.

Those who don’t know Me are searching for just this, and this alone – not empty, dead religion!

“Saturate yourself in the love of My presence.

Give Me space with you and I will fill it and you will never be the same!

Behold Me, behold My Kingdom and you shall know Me in a whole new light!

You will be infectious with My love, and no one will be safe from it!

It is time to open up My altar – in My love – and I will meet you there!”
Holy is the word of the Lord!
God Bless and Protect you and your families!
God Bless and Protect Israel!
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers, love and support. May God Richly Bless you all!

Barry Wunsch
PO Box 25069 Deer Park
Red Deer, Alberta
T4R 2M2
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