Prophetic Word, Hunker down. It’s about to escalate! March 12,2022…

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Prophetic Word, Hunker down. It’s about to escalate!
March 12,2022

Barry tell my people that things are not as they appear.
Tell my people that I am pulling back the curtain.
Those in whom you have trusted, those who you have counted on, those who have been in power have had their day.
It will be all downhill for them from here.

Nations will not want to believe their eyes for what is about to be exposed.
They are running scared for they have nothing to lose.

Hunker down, it is about to escalate!

There will not be a Nation that is not touched by what is coming.
The Red Dragon is about to spread its wings.
The world like you know it is about to change forever before your eyes. By the time it is done it will be clear for all to see!
They will no longer be able to deny it! Did you not see it coming?
Could you not tell it was on the horizon? Could you not smell it in the air? Did you not hear it in the wind?

I beseech you to give me your ear, draw unto my attention.
Hold fast unto me like never before.
For the storm is about to hit.
It is about to get very real.
Like nothing you could have imagined.
It will be a great and terrible day.
You won’t have words to describe it.
It is on a scale far beyond your measure.

The harvest of the ages is upon you.
The great awakening is on the rise.
Men’s hearts will fail them if they don’t know me.

There will be tremendous losses. But the gains will overtake them.
Beauty will arise from the ashes when all that is not of me is burned away.
Many will call unto me for the first time! And I will embrace them.
Many will call unto me who left me, who hardened their hearts and walked away. And I will embrace them.
They will come to know my endearing, passionate and compassionate love!

I will take you through the storm, I will be right at your side.
I will be your shelter, your refuge, and your hiding place.
I will be your provider!
And I will be the lifter of your head!
I will be the wind under your wings!
I will be the sun basking over you.
You are going to know me like never before.
Do not fear. Hold fast and come into my loving care.
You are my delight and my precious child.
Come unto my embrace and care through the storm!
It is going to rage. Do not wait another day to turn unto me.
For today is the day of salvation!

God Bless and Protect you and your families!
God Bless and Protect Israel!
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!
Respectfully Submitted,
Barry Wunsch