Prophetic Word Hear the Call. Run to the Altar. July…

by | Jul 8, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Prophetic Word
Hear the Call. Run to the Altar.
July 7, 2022

We are in a critical, critical moment in history, globally. It is more than just Canada, and America, but we are at the tip of the spear. The Nations are counting on us.
Holy Spirit dropped this word on me this afternoon as I was between National meetings.
I am sober. This was given to me in strong language. It is a clear call. I am trembling inside with the fear of the Lord and overcome with Holy Spirit fire.

He spoke to me in a very strong way and so, I share now in strick obiedince exactly what He gave me with fear and trembling.

He is looking for a response.
It was not just a casual suggestion.

Please continue to cover us and our families as we press in and through. The battle is real. You have no idea, and words cannot articulate it all.

If the Nation was aware of what is coming, the Altar would be full.
It would be a stampede.
We can not relent.

Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for your love prayers and support.

We have to do this as one, in unity as the remnant advances.

May God give us supernatural wisdom and grace in this hour.
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch

Leaders of the Ecclesia hear this call!

Leaders on the mountains, hear my voice!

Fathers, and Mothers hear the call! Gather your family! Get over the offense! Lay it down! Let my Love restore all among you as you humble yourselves one to another.
Let my healing flow! Let family revival fire burn among you!

Governmental leaders hear my CRY!
It’s about me and my kingdom! NOT YOURS!
Lay down your pride. Your agenda. Your ego! Your insecurity! Your fear! Lay down your control! It’s not about you! Get over yourself!
Lay it down before it is taken from you!
I am raising up a new Governance not new politics!
I am turning leaders upside down and shaking out their pockets!
Money shall not rule you!
Power shall not rule you!
I will burn it out or remove you!
It must be different! And will be!
I am bringing my Fire to burn out anything that is not built on my foundation!
I am coming, and I will not relent until it is done!

My Media, My trumpet – clear your throat! Find your voice! Shout from the rooftops!
I have given you the air!
But you have to act! I am establishing a new way that they won’t be able to touch or control! I will expose the fakers and you will know by my Spirit!

Teachers – clean out your desk!
This generation is in your hands!
Do not cause my little ones to stumble!
No longer can you dare to be silent!
Those days must be put behind you!
You have a great responsibility! I will lead you and guide you and show you the way!
Unions shall be shaken out, and shaken down! For my righteousness ones shall prevail!

For the Arts, this is not a dress rehearsal!
I have given you a stage not for you! But for me! Release my heart! Release my truth!
I will not cancel those called by my name!
But you have to stand up!
I will annoint you for this hour!
I am looking for Holy Spirit vessels!
I am releasing a renaissance movement like never before!
Creativity will flow faster than you can capture it all!

My Josephs!
I know you have been hurt! I know that you have been used! I know all that has beset you!
Those excuses hold water no longer.
For I have called you and I have redeemed you.
You have a gift that has come from me for my Kingdom purposes! Not to build yours!
You will find that as you trust me and release unto the Kingdom all that I give you that my flow will be unending. You won’t be able to contain it.
You must draw unto me. I have entrusted you with great gifts, steward them well with me for it is more than you can manage on your own. For I can dry up a river at the sound of my voice. I can release a dam by the power of my word!
I am calling you into surrender.
Full surrender.
For those who lay it all down, great shall be your reward!

For even now the enemy advances!
Walk in Faith!
The time is now!
Strap on your helmet!
Grab your shield, buckle up your belt- sinch it up tight. Lace up your boots! Put on that breast plate!
Run to the altar! Run to My side!

It is not enough to just say you agree!
When, when will you decide to act and raise your voice?

Are you going to wait until your hour passes by?
When it is too late?
The enemy’s dust is on the horizon!

Now is the hour of salvation!
Now is the hour of great awakening!
Now is the hour to mobilize!
You will not be able to blame another.
They cannot speak in your defense.
Hear My call, hear my trumpet resound in the land.
Hear it loud, and hear it clear!
It is not my heart, that anyone perish, but rather have an everlasting life with Me!
We must engage together, as one!

God Bless and Protect you and your families!
God Bless and Protect Israel!
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!
Barry Wunsch
PO Box 25069 Deer Park
Red Deer, Alberta
T4R 2M2

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