Prophetic word for Manitoba March 15, 2021 Respectfully submitted Barry…

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Prophetic word for Manitoba
March 15, 2021
Respectfully submitted
Barry Wunsch
Manitoba you’re the heart of Canada! You are bridge builders and you are ambassadors of reconciliation. You’ve often been looked at as weak but actually it’s meekness, humility and strength with self control and it’s very powerful.
I saw that you are bridge builders not only east to west but also to the north and south. I see that you are a huge gateway to the north and what you’ve seen in the past is only the beginning of what is to come for you for there is increase coming like you’ve never imagined.
I also see that Manitoba you are a huge gate to the First Nations you bring reconciliation and healing and I see healing Revival Wells opening up across Manitoba. These will be know as honey holes, people will travel to taste and see that the Lord is good.
I also see that there are many many train tracks and a huge train yard in the hub of Manitoba and it is a place of collaboration of gathering and sending out. It is very strategic for the resources within Canada and what will flow out of it bringing wealth and resources to the Nations. I saw huge grain terminals that are full and ready for harvest and in fact I don’t think there are enough you will be building more to house what is coming in.
I saw mines being reopened, abandoned mines once again active and prosperous.
I saw new mines being discovered and new technology used to extract wealth and resources for the region and Canadian interests exporting Globally.
I’ve also seen that Manitoba you have felt like a forgotten brother in Canada but let me tell you your loved and we honor you and we need you and your valued. You are not the forgotten brother forgive us where we have treated you as such. We desire to walk in unity with you and support you in every way that we can to fulfill the destiny and call that is upon you.
I also saw that Manitoba is coming out of barrenness many many years where it’s been dry and there has been very little fruit so it seems. You are coming out of barrenness into a place of fruitfulness.
There is a new breed of leaders being released in Manitoba, full of fire and passion. Unstoppable in the hand of God.
I saw lakes and fish, fish and lakes, lakes and fish! Evangelists are being released with fire across Manitoba. So get ready you’re going to need healing and deliverance rooms for the new ones that get saved. Be prepared to start discipling.
I also saw deliverance from religion coming into the region by fire.
There is a revival movement that is coming to the Mennonite tribe and to the Hutterite tribe. There is revelation and truth being released and the revealing of the Father’s Love to these groups. The leaders and pastors are going to have encounters with the Holy Spirit and visitations that they are not going to be able to hide, they just will not be able to hide it because they will be wrecked and changed forever by the love of God. I saw Glory meetings coming to these groups of fire and Holy Spirit power there is a revival coming to the Hutterites and to the Mennonites! I see other colonies from other provinces and even the United States coming up into Manitoba because they heard of what’s going on and they want to check it out but they are going to get far more than what they anticipated, they will catch the fire of Holy Spirit and take it home to spread the fire. I saw that these groups are loyal Defenders of Truth and they are going to rise up as part of the army of God to take it to Canada bringing Revival with truth and righteousness. I also see that for decades of sowing there is going to be a release of a great harvest, they are givers and they are going to give like never before.
We Bless you Manitoba and I declare and decree these things over the province of Manitoba in Jesus mighty name!