Prophetic Word for Jason Kenney May 9, 2021 Respectfully Submitted…

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Prophetic Word for Jason Kenney
May 9, 2021
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch

As I was praying for you Jason, I saw you dressed as a King.
You had a beautiful gold crown on, and a robe, it was very royal and ornate.

It was a cross of a Kingly Garment,a justice gown and a priestly garment.
It is a very unique call.
I saw you as the chosen one by God, not by man.
Not only to lead a province to freedom, but a nation and a international leader.

You had been given a royal scepter and were entrusted to rule and to govern by the will and Providence of God.

You are called to stand for Righteous, truth and justice under God.

And he has put that on you to carry.

Along the way, you had a few slips, and the enemy/devil saw opportunity to prevent you from fullfilling your God given call for Canada and the Nation’s.

He knows that if he could take you out or control you in a way to prevent God’s purposes he could stop God’s highest plans for you, Alberta, Canada and the World.

I saw the enemy using these slip ups against you in evil ways.

I saw men in black in the shadows of your office and in your clothes closet.

There were threats being held against you and over you, that were clearly intended to control you and use you for their evil agenda.

The fear of what these men could do was terrifying.

All you wanted to do was serve God, and the Nation into prosperity.

I you sitting at your desk, your hands bound in rope and others standing over your shoulder telling you what to do, and you hated every minute of it.
But you did not know how to get out from it.
The Word for Premier Jason Kenney

“My son, my beloved son. I have heard your prayers, and I know the cry of your heart, I am releasing the keys for you on this day, with fresh new strategy to dismantle the structures that have been built to destroy you, and the Nation of Canada. I have call you to be a national leader even though it has come in a way that you did not expect it. As you stand with me for truth righteousness and justice I will prepare a way for you and I will protect you from those that are trying to destroy you. I have a great call on Canada as a nation to bring healing and wealth to the Nations. The enemy is done everything he can to destroy this land. Alberta is my key to unlock this nation. What I’m calling to you to do will not be easy but I’ve never called you to an equal battle. But I’m with you says the Lord and you shall you have the courage and the boldness to stand on the foundation and the calling for which I put on you. As I pull the pieces together only as I can you will see things start to move and turn around. I’m bringing in international resources to back you up to stand against the evils that are trying to destroy this nation. I have called you to lead the charge in truth with other national leaders across this land, they cannot move until you take your first steps. It will take boldness it will take courage. It will take honesty and Truth to turn this great province and Nation back into the fullness of my purposes. I’ve called you to be the ultimate freedom fighter. I’m returning you back to your original call. I’ve had my hand upon you since you are very young boy. And I will be faithful to my word over you in this hour says the Lord.
Holy is the Word of the Lord

God Bless and Protect you and your families!
God Bless and protect Israel!
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!
Respectfully Submitted,
Barry Wunsch
PO Box 25069 Deer Park
Red Deer, Alberta T4R
Signal: (780) 312 0322
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