Prophetic word for Canada ‘I am raising up a movement…

by | Jun 1, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Prophetic word for Canada
‘I am raising up a movement in Canada’
June 1,2021
3:00 pm
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch

Barry tell my people that I am raising up a movement in Canada that is going to take back this nation that I love and reestablish my destiny upon her.
I am awakening my people, with truth, righteousness and justice.
There are those that are wolves in sheep’s clothing, so my church do not be decieved, for you will soon see the underdog that I am raising up in this hour, and you will know him by his fruit.
Many are the plans of the wicked, but they shall not prevail.
For I am about to release my glory upon the earth, and Canada this is your hour!