Prophetic Word for Canada December 3, 2022 6:19am Respectfully Submitted…

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Prophetic Word for Canada
December 3, 2022 6:19am
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch

Barry, tell my people that we are right on track.

We are right on course for the greatest move of My Spirit the nations have ever seen.

Barry, tell My people that it is all going to come out now for all to see.

For I say unto you on this day, that there is nothing that can stop it.

Trudeau’s days are numbered.

The walls, the mechanisms, the structures they have placed him in are about to utterly fail before them.

For I the Lord of hosts am coming to deal with every demonic power and principality that has
entrenched itself in Canada.

My remnant has cried and travailed.
And I have heard your prayers.

There is help on the way Canada.

Breakthrough is coming.

There is an army, a militant team gathering called by My name to move on My behalf to come and bring justice.

It will be something you have never seen or witnessed before on such a scale.

It is time to clean house on Parliament Hill.

Canada, I have called you to walk with Israel.

And you shall once again!

Canada, hear this loud and clear:

I have My hand upon a new leadership arising with in your nation.

They have been called the underdog.

They have been blocked and restricted in extreme unethical ways for they remain a great threat to the Cabal parties in power.

Canada, prepare your hearts, prepare to stand in unity, as I blow by the wind of My Spirit upon these ones who call Me by name, who walk with Me in purity of heart and submission to Me to take Canada back for the glory of God.

For this is a grassroots call for this nation to gather together, move together in unity across this land. The True North Strong and Free.

Now is the time to move into position with me, and my favor shall be with you, and I will do the miraculous against all odds!

Canada this land that I love, you shall once again burn for Me and shall take healing to the nations!”

Holy is the word of the Lord.