Prophetic Word for Canada BREAKER BREAKER do you copy? February…

by | Feb 12, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Prophetic Word for Canada
BREAKER BREAKER do you copy?
February 12,2022, 11:00 am
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch

Canada Oh Canada the True North Strong and Free!
Have I not told you that I would shake everything that could be shaken?
Have I not told you about exposures to come?
Canada Oh Canada be prepared for the shaking to increase upon this Nation!
You are going to see those who have hardened their hearts be brought into the light, and every evil agenda exposed for all to see!
They are making their move.
And I am making mine!
They will not know what hit them.
As surely as I placed the sun and moon in thier place – I will bring this great Nation into her Destiny today.
I am bringing a great awakening to this land! Revival is in the air! You can taste it!
Do not be mistaken, this is a battle not of flesh and blood but against principalities and powers that are against you.
Oh Canada Oh Canada Stand on guard!
Do not relent!
This tyranny shall come down!
Those who have oppressed my Canada shall be held to account!
I am releasing a breaker anointing upon you Canada that will lead the way!
BREAKER BREAKER do you copy?
Hold fast unto me on this day, and I will lead you, I will guide you and great shall be your reward!
Holy is the Word of the Lord

God Bless you and your families!
God Bless and protect Israel!
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!
Respectfully submitted, BarryWunsch