Prophetic Word for Brazil August 2, 2021 Respectfully Submitted Barry…

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Prophetic Word for Brazil
August 2, 2021
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch

“Brazil, I am calling you by name, I am calling for your full undivided attention.

Brazil, I am about to shake you like never before,

There is a shaking and a sifting that is coming upon you in this hour that you have been running from.

There is nothing that I do not see, there is nothing I do not hear, nothing is hidden from me, I know you and I know your hearts.

I am bringing an end to the foul and deceptive practices within your Nation. And yes no one is exempt, for I am calling you to me. So hear my word today Brazil and turn to me with all of your heart.

I am putting an end to the corruption and evil practices within the Government and within the Church.

I saw dump trucks but they were like cargo trucks they would back up to the Govt buildings and dump truckloads of cash there into a pit where the money was distributed through underground tunnels to public officials for their own gain, these tunnels led throughout the nation and bribed and funded blackmail and every evil thing you could imagine.

I saw busses pulling up to these buildings and churches and moving women and children into similar tunnels that led through the nation, and also to boats, and airports to move them around, the systems that were put in place were very well designed and ran with military precision and protection. It was pure evil.

I then saw the Lord of Hosts, release Hosts of Angles into Brazil, as they came, they destroyed the enemys infrastructure, and all that had been in place to facilitate these evil plans.

I am restoring you Brazil unto your end time destiny, I am about to release my Glory in your Nation. I am bringing healing and deliverance to those that turn to me with all of their heart.

So chose on this day, whom you will serve for the time is at hand Brazil.

For I am a God whom will not be mocked. You are coming to know me in a way that you have not known me before!

I am coming as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and nothing will stand in my way to bring justice and healing to this nation.

Many of you have already felt the rumblings and I tell you on this day to get ready, get ready, get ready!

I am bringing transformation to my Beloved Brazil!

I also saw small fires spread across Brazil, in each province there were handfuls of fires, there was a remnant in Brazil that was burning and on their knees.

God has a remnant in Brazil, and they will not be denied!