Prophetic Word for Australia June 1, 2022 Respectfully Submitted Barry…

by | Jun 2, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Prophetic Word for Australia
June 1, 2022
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch

Australia Australia; They cooked the books!
They fixed the win!
They pulled the strings.
They used smoke and mirrors.
They had their thumb on the scale!
It was over before it started!
That is in their eyes!
But not in mine!

Australia they do not know what you are made of!
You shall not be defeated in me and with me!
They oppress, they silence your voice, but not unto me.
They are digging their own pit!
They are digging their own grave!

The sorcery and the black magic shall be exposed!
For they pretend to be one thing when they are another.
Let it be known that they will pay a great price for the blood on her hands.
They have had their chance to turn to me.
Their thirst for power will be their demise.

My remnant shall see miracles at their tables.
I will meet your needs.
They cannot stop me.
They cannot overcome the strength of my arm.

For I have an underground church that they do not see.
For I have positioned unlikely leaders in their positions to bring deliverance and lead my people.
They are getting into position.
They are preparing to roll out with me.
I will be their covering.
I will be their strength.

There will be a season of fire like you have never seen.
There will be nowhere to run.
Nowhere to hide.
Nothing shall stand in my way.
For I am coming to cleanse the land!

You will see it flourish!
You will see a rebirth of the Nation!
From the youngest to the oldest!
From the rich and the poor!
They will know me by name and the might of my hand.

Australia my Beloved – it is time to come and dance with me!
It is time to come close to my side and let me lead!
Let me sweep you off your feet and take care of you!
You will soon see the wisdom of my ways!
You will see my hand in mighty acts.
It will be undeniable for all to see!

For I am raising up my army in Australia!
Worshipping Warriors who have called upon my name!
I will not deny your cry!
Together we shall root out the evil entrenched in your land once and for all!

Australia my Beloved you can do this with me!
Do not loose heart, do not throw in the towel!
This is not done!
It has only just begun!
Refresh yourself in me and I will strengthen you and I will show you the way!
My beloved I have you covered, and I have your back!
Rest in me and never leave my side!
For my love for you is great and will not be displaced!

Holy is the word of the Lord
God Bless Australia the Beloved!

God Bless and Protect you and your families!
God Bless and Protect Israel!
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!

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