by | Dec 15, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments


“Barry, tell my Canadian people to batten down the hatches. For the storm is quickly approaching and about to hit the shoreline.
You think you are ready, but I tell you now that very few have seen what is about to hit.
They are pulling out all stops against my people.
They have made willing and intentional plans and decisions to bring Canada to its knees.
They will stop at nothing to maintain control.
One poison dart or ten, will not matter.
They will stop at nothing to shut you down and try to take you out.
Barry tell My people that they must unite.
Tell My leaders that now is the time to stand up!
Come out of hiding!
This is not going away!
Tell My people that they must unite.
And that they must seek My face.
Where are My worshippers?
Where are the ones leading the way?
I am calling them up to go in front of this great army that I am raising up.
I am not looking for the top ten worship songs!
I am looking for authentic raw worship and the cries of your heart!
I am not interested in the plastic!
I want the real!
Don’t try to be like those who went before you.
It may have served well in its season, but we are past that now.
You must come up higher!
This is a spiritual battle.
This is an air war!
Change the atmosphere!
I will inhabit it as you step up!
I am going to release a new sound across Canada.
Press in with Me and you will find it!
My Canada, My Canada, this land that I love.
Come and abide in Me, surrender to Me, and My ways and I will redeem and restore your land.
Greater are the weapons that I have given you than those that are against you.
There are going to be casualties if you move on your own.

Barry, tell my people that I have a great, great love for them.
I will never leave them or forsake them. For they are mine.
Now is the time to pull together.
Barry tell My people that there is a movement that has just started to burn across Canada, and it has only just begun.
Some are already tired and have been under great opposition and pressure, but do not loose heart.
Do not grow faint.
Regroup for another push.
Strengthen your stand.
Let me help you through the fog and trust My lead.
Another hard wave is going to be released, so be prepared.
I am with you.
Barry, I will use the enemies plans against themselves.
It will not turn out in the end as they suspect.
They will eventually find themselves behind their own bars.
They will occupy the prisons they built for others.
I have men and women behind the scenes, running deep, running silent, preparing to move when the time is right.
You are not alone.
I will use it all to open the eyes of the blind.
No longer will they be able to ignore the truth.

“There are global leaders, global entities, global organizations behind the curtain pulling the strings, and they shall be exposed.
They are not bigger than I!
These puppeteers shall have their day!
And they shall pay for the blood on their hands.
Babylon will fall at My hand.
The floodgates of global harvest are at hand and shall be thrown open wide.
Canada, My dear Canada, you are key!
The nations are counting on you!
The evidence is sitting in Canada soon to be fully understood and released.
It was meant for evil but has left open doors.
Elections controlled from and through this nation are going to come into full light.
The false sense of democracy is being exposed.
Nations around the world shall be impacted.
I am bringing My justice, says the Lord.
I was then taken into an open vision of a main office / facility headquarters in Canada.
It was the main headquarters and offices of the machines with security issues if you know what I am saying.
I saw a trail of breadcrumbs that ran down the hallway.
It was a clear path of evidence.
As I followed these breadcrumbs / evidence it led down the hallways to the office of PM JT, as well as the office of CF, DPM
I was then shown a world map and the trail of breadcrumbs that led from Canada to other nations of the world.
There were countries in Europe (Germany) Africa, China.
These bread crumbs and evidence looked like flight paths that you would see on an aviation radar type computer screen connecting this office in Canada to other continents and nations.
I saw that these machines with security issues allowed for data to be tracked.
Easily manipulated and controlled.
I have to be careful as to all I saw here, I can say that this is much bigger that most people would ever expect or imagine!
There was a day coming that would show that many nations have been living under a false democracy.
The results presented were not the reality.
Canada would be in a position to reveal truth that would bring healing to the Nations as she has been called to!