Prophetic Word / Encounter Alberta, Canada Saturday May 13, 2023…

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Prophetic Word / Encounter Alberta, Canada
Saturday May 13, 2023
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch
The Canadian Hammer

I could not sleep tonight. I was troubled deep in my spirit that I could not shake.
As I spent time with the Lord, He took me in the spirit, and behind closed doors, and places in the spirit over Alberta.

The first thing I was shown was an entourage of big black suburban trucks, black tinted windows, no plates, no signs, no markings.
They were making stops throughout Canada, and at this point were in Alberta.
They were briefing officials at every stop to ensure compliance with the intended agenda.
They were cold as ice. Calculated, emotionless. As heartless as it gets.
From what I saw, you would not want to cross
them, or not comply to their orders.

I saw Rachel Notley, Jagmeet Singh, Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland on a conference call.
They were meeting with WEF leaders, having discussions regarding strategic planning to control the vote and outcome of the Alberta Election in order to fulfill their global agenda.
Notley was not thinking for herself, but was a pawn being used by the enemy. She was being paid ‘favours in hidden ways that shall be exposed. Alberta was a province they could not afford to lose.

The illusion of democracy was evident.
I saw voting machines in the hands of programmers preparing for election day.
They had instructions that they were to follow to ensure a predetermined outcome as issued from the dark side.

The frenzied efforts of UCP door knockers no matter how valiant their efforts appeared to be in vain.

I was shown a map of Alberta and a red wave ready to be released in Alberta – CCP in the background preparing to open the flood gates- intending to dominate, control our province and natural resources. They had been carefully planning for this very moment for a long time.

I saw civilians, gathering, some preparing for an uprising and conflict – to try to stop what was on the horizon. The numbers were few, but regardless they were prepared to stand for truth, justice, and riotousness in the face of great evil.

I was taken into the spirit and saw strongmen, demonic entities standing over Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge, and Fort McMurray. These key cities were strategic in Alberta and the enemy had been able to establish grounds for legal occupation.
The compromise in the land had forfeited the righteous authority to hold the ground.
Repentance was in order to turn the tables.

I was shown different ones sent about the province on assignment. Horrifically, lighting fires causing great destruction, these ones were paid handsomely for these evil deeds.

I saw the UCP with a deep divide inside.
There had been a dark spirit released throughout this party that was potentially going to cost the party dearly.
I saw demonic infiltration into the party, there was a group who were not who they said they were. They were posers, imposters.
Also positioned to create internal problems, leak information and cause problems.

The Lord then spoke to me:
Alberta, you are at a crossroads.
Many of you never imagined that you would be here.
Many of you have been apathetic and critical of my remnant.
You have not realized that you are in a new day.
You have not realized that you are at war.
A spiritual war for your land.
There are many more who have walked in the flesh not counting the cost.
Many have made the religious spirit and the political spirit your friends.
And now, are left facing the consequences.
Alberta, I say unto you again: you are a key to this great nation of Canada.
I have destined you to lead this Nation into freedom, so when shall you take up the sword of the spirit against the enemy and not against one another?
For there are events about to unfold that are bigger than you Alberta – do not think you are exempt.
The landscape is about to change and very few are ready.
Alberta it is my desire for your oil to flow!
Not only for Canada the True North Strong and Free, but for the Nations.
Alberta, you have resources that you have yet to develop.
I have much more for you if you want it!
But it will come at a cost.
It will cost you everything.
I am asking you to surrender your heart to me.
Let me fill you with my Holy Spirit and Love and commit your life and your ways unto me and I will pour out an abundance without measure upon you.
Alberta. I have brought you to a crossroads.
Now the choice is yours, and the path you choose is a matter of your free will,
I am calling you higher – it is my desire for you to walk with me, humble yourselves, pray and seek my face and turn from your wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will heal your land.
Holy is the word of the Lord

God Bless and Protect you and your families!
God Bless and Protect Israel!
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers, love and support. May God Richly Bless you all!

Barry Wunsch
PO Box 25069 Deer Park
Red Deer, Alberta
T4R 2M2