Prophetic Word, Canadas Western Gate June 13, 2021 Respectfully Submitted…

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Prophetic Word, Canadas Western Gate
June 13, 2021
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch

On a recent trip to the lower mainland, Holy Spirit woke me up at 4:30 in the morning and downloaded this word to me. It came fast, strong loud and clear. I share it just as it came.
Sincerely Barry

Vancouver, Vancouver, Vancouver
I have heard your cries!
I am bringing you more than relief!
I am bringing a revolution!
I have heard your cries!
I have seen your tears for your son’s and your daughter’s.
And I have come to deliver you from the oppression of the enemy.
I am closing the gates of the enemy into Vancouver!
It is time the counterfeit must go!

I am about to move in your land to pull back, and expose the witchcraft and occult at the highest levels.
I am coming with my fire to burn in the hearts and minds of the deceived.

I am coming to release my Glory upon this land.
I do not use a scale to measure which nationality gets more or less of my Spirit, you are all my beloved and you will all get your full measure and more.
Vancouver I’ve called you to carry my glory and carry it you shall.

Many of you have resisted in the past and made judgments against the moving of my spirit and it led you to a dry and dessert land.

Vancouver! Vancouver! Vancouver!
I am opening up a well in the West.
And it will more than satisfy the dry the parched and the thirsty!
I will quench the thirst of the broken, the addicted, the traumatized and the lost.
I am calling you into a place of intimacy like you have never known.
You will gather as family and lay your head upon my chest.
You will know my heart beat.
You will know the father’s love.
You will weep and you will cry as I restore those broken and hurting places you have tried to hide from me.
You are my beloved sons and daughters, and I am bringing healing to your land, your families, your marriages, your son’s and daughters.
There is no wound to great for my healing touch.

Vancouver I am releasing a healing movement from your region that will touch the world.
Many will come for my touch.
You will host kings and queens, leaders of many nations will come to get a touch in my Glory.
You will be a destination of choice for my Glory that is coming and it shall draw people from around the world.
Many I will send out from here to the streets, and the nations to carry and release my love.
Vancouver you hold keys to healing for Canada.
Yes I have called you to lead the way.
It is time to lay down dead dry religion.
It is not a move through academia and intellect.
It is time to lay aside every preconceived idea and plan-
For I am about to release my way-
It is a move of my spirit!

I am calling forth a new generation to be released in this hour.
I have prepared them to be leaders in this Great harvest.
And yes lead they shall!
They shall lead in the marketplace.
They shall lead in the schools.
They shall lead in the airwaves.
They shall lead in the Arts.
They shall lead in entertainment.
And they shall lead in government.
They shall know me and they will hear my voice and they shall be bold and courageous and obedient to my call.
They shall walk in obedience in an intimacy that many generations have not.
So mother and fathers let them run!
Let them run!
Let them run!
Do not restrict them!
Do not hold them back!
Come behind them and give them the love care and support in every way you can.
I’m calling them to lead a movement across the nation.
I’ve prepared them and I’ve called them for this very day.
I’m bringing a fire upon them that will spread quickly as the winds of my spirit blow across this land.
I am releasing them now!

I will consume this land with my fire, healing and deliverance.
Get ready!
Get ready!
Get ready!

I’m about to turn this province upside down and inside out.
The climates that you’ve been accustomed to are about to change.
I am shredding the satanic atmosphere from over this land once and for all!
Witches warlocks and the occult shall come running for salvation and healing and deliverance!

I’m about to flip mindsets that have long been established against my statutes.
My truth shall penetrate even the most resistant among you.
What many said could not be done I’m about to do and I will do it swiftly.
Do not fall into the trap to try and do it like in the days of old.
We are in a new day, do you not perceive it?

I am releasing new wineskins that you have yet to see.
Houses that you built for me will not contain what I have coming.
So Vancouver
Get ready!
Get ready!
Get ready!

Many will be the apostles and the prophets, pastors, evangelists and teachers that I am raising up out of this region.

They will be young and they will be old and they will lead with great intimacy and unity as never before.

I am re-commissioning those that thought they were done.
I am calling back the reserves.
Hear my call today.
You are needed.
You are valued.
I am strengthening the weary for the battle of the ages.
You will find healing and joy return as you come!
And great shall be your reward.

Vancouver I am re-establishing wealth in this hour.
I am doing it here and I am doing it now among you like never before.
I am removing financial fear from you on this day.
Mammon shall no longer control you.
It has often misled you and controlled you, driven you, and satisfied you.
It has given you false identity.
Henceforth I am bringing a shift in you and you will find this in me and me alone!
Your identity comes from me!
You are mine and I am yours, and as you walk closely with me I will pour out my Blessings upon you and through you for my kingdoms sake!
You will be lead by my spirit as you release Supernatural wealth as my tool in your hand!

To the hurting and the lost, this is your day, your day of healing and redemption!
For I have paid the ultimate price to redeem you and set you free.
I am not an angry father waiting at the door with a belt,
but I am a loving father standing at the door with my arms open wide.
I call on you this day to relinquish the sin, the pain and the brokenness that you have endured.
Ask me, invite me into your heart and your life, and I will walk with you all the days of eternity.
I will cleanse you from the enemy’s plan, sin and all defilement.
And you will be made new.
Born again, forever changed!