Prophetic Word August 24,2021 Respectfully Submitted Barry Wunsch Barry, tell…

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Prophetic Word
August 24,2021
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch

Barry, tell my people in Canada it’s time to wake up.
Tell my people that the enemy is at hand.
If you do not take action now you will pay a very high cost.
Have I not told you it would be brother against brother?
I have given you a free will, let it be known that I am ready to go.
To those that are brave and courageous and ready to follow me through this battle I will pour my Spirit out upon you and through you and you will do far more than is naturally possible.
You will see me move in ways that you have yet to see.
The time of talking about it has come to an end.
You are either going to walk with me or not.
It is a day of decision. The choice is yours.
So do not blame me for your inaction.
For I have always chosen a people to work through.
And this is the moment, not the hour, the moment to make your choice.
Now is the time to make a decision.
I have not created you to stand silent in the face of evil!
I have given you all authority in heaven and on earth to take back this land and destroy the enemy.
It is time to use it!
Get over your petty differences and prideful ways, get over your offences with one another.
How can you expect to take back a nation when you are divided?
Get over it!
Deal with it!
And get on with it!
That religious spirit has to go!
Come to me on this day and let me fill you afresh with my Holy Spirit!
Let me cleanse you, heal you and empower you for the days ahead!
For my Canada I am counting on you to stand up once again for truth, righteousness and justice walking by my Spirit in Revival and Reformation across this land.
For I am rebirthing this Nation of Canada.
I have ignited the greatest movement it has ever seen.
And it will not be stopped.
Patriots arise!
Arise and take back this great land that I love and have blessed.
Take out the tyranny that has taken its death grip on this Nation.
Put it to rest once and for all.