Prophetic Word August 18,2021 Fasten your seatbelts, this is going…

by | Aug 22, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Prophetic Word
August 18,2021

Fasten your seatbelts, this is going to be the ride of your life.
I have begun to dismantle the most evil structures that have ever existed.
Many have said it cannot be done.
They say, they are too powerful.
They say it will never change.
They say it does not matter the color of the team; they are all the same.
Corrupt. Greedy, vile, and immoral.
It is for this reason, that I am dismantling things as you have known them.
I tell you that I will not relent, I will not stop until everything that can be shaken will be shaken.
The deep state that has ruled over the United States of America and every nation around the world shall be dealt with swiftly.
The ties to the ancient orders, occult, false gods and false religions shall be exposed for all to see and understand, and furthermore I shall dismantle and destroy these at the Sound of my Name.
Let it be known on this day, that I am coming to deal with these evil leaders once and for all. For far too long they have oppressed and controlled my people.
I am dismantling their alliances, power structures and regional strong holds.
From New York to California, you will see my hand at work. These gates to and from this Nation will be re-established on my word and my destiny over this United States of America. I am exposing and removing all those who stand in the way.
They have been given opportunity to repent but have made their choice to walk in their own ways.
I will displace the powers and principalities that overshadow these gates (New York and California), and the light shall shine like the noon day sun for all to see.
I will bring restoration and healing through these gates. The harvest shall be great as revival sweeps the streets.
I will re-establish and release kingdom wealth for my people, taking it from the hands of the wicked-you will be astonished by the work of my hand.
Florida, you are a key to this Nation, and I am about to turn this key for the world to see. (I saw the state from the air, and it was solid gold) what I am starting in Florida shall not only ignite your Nation but Nations of the world. Leaders domestic and foreign shall come and gather and be touched by my Glory, never to be the same again. It will be the true gathering place for the United Nations! United in me! (I saw the flags of the Nations set up there)
Texas my loyal defender! A trumpet to the Nation! I am increasing my favor upon you. Your wells shall bring increase! New fields opening, somehow overlooked, new discoveries! You will fortify those walls once again! You will execute Justice, sweeping the land, rounding them up will have never been as easy. Many will come to know me and turn on their leaders-informants and runners will come to you to show you what is hidden. The fear of the Lord shall overtake them. Great power will flow from you Texas! Lead the way!
Texas I am flushing out those that do not belong, they will no longer hold the seats they hold, they will not be able to withstand or resist me. I have given you mechanisms to proceed! So, proceed at will! I am with you! You will have great success!
Gates, Bill Gates I am about to tie your hands. You have had your freedom. But know that there are some against you that money cannot buy. They are closing in, and there is no way to escape what is coming.
You will be tried by many Nations, and your works will be brought to an end. There is nowhere to hide from me!
Many are your pawns, many are your allies, not one will I overlook! I am bringing my justice!