Prophetic Encounter
The Canadian National Bank Vault
December 9,2020
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch
Tonight during prayer, I was taken into a vision where I was in a Parliment building in Ottawa.
I was lead to Canada’s National Bank Vault.
It had a huge vault door on the front that was partially open, and I could see that there were some gold bars being held in it. There was not much left.
As I got closer and looked inside, there was big back door in the vault that was wide open!
It was clear that the back door had been installed so the gold and the resources could easily be removed out of the back with out drawing much attention.
It was then, that a large angel came into the room.
It was wearing a bright red robe with a white sash around the waist. The scarlet was the same color as the RCMP Red Serge.
This appeared to be a Angel of Justice.
The angel came to once and for all close the back door of this Canadian National Vault.
It was on assignment to stop the wealth of the Nation from being stolen.
I had a sense that not only was this assignment given to close this back door for good, but to also retrieve all that had been taken.
I knew that as this was done, there was a reversal coming for Canada where we were going to see abundant wealth once again retained and released for the prosperity of the Nation of Canada.Justice is coming and is at hand.