Prophetic Encounter: More indictments are coming but they will not…

by | Jun 17, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Prophetic Encounter: More indictments are coming but they will not stand!
June 11, 2023
Respectfully Submitted,
Barry Wunsch

I was taken in the spirit by the Spirit of God into a meeting.
It was a high-level meeting of a National Security group.
Not everyone from the council was invited to the meeting.

There were those who were involved that were using the group to control elements that would assist in targeting DJT with further allegations to in order to impede him from fulfilling his calling to drain the swamp and bring justice for the Nation.

They were afraid of the exposure and consequences of their actions and all that they had done falsely to control and manipulate the Nation.
They sat around a large round table and had a couple of video feeds into the room. One of the feeds was the financial backing to enable such an endeavor representing a larger group from Europe. The man on the screen was Klaus Schwab.

They had operatives coming and reporting back to this group regarding their progress and findings as they were tasked with the complexity of the legalities and logistics they could conjure up to further attack 45 to take him out.

They were coming up dry. Anything they brought to the table was so thin, there was no meat and bones to any of it.
They had no substantial evidence what so ever to build anything upon.

That being said it brought frustration into the room for them, they were now in a position where they were going to have to blackmail, threaten, coheres and manipulate different ones to bring false testimony against President Trump to try to discredit him from his position.

They were not only sifting through President Trumps past, but they were also sifting through the past of President Trumps friends and associates. They were desperate for evidence.

In fact the enemy had positioned several individuals around President Trump to gain access to Him, and to use them to run interference around him to keep those who were called to his side and the best interests of the Nation.

There were those that had personal agendas tied to their access and proximity to DJT, using it for personal gain that in fact ran caused conflict for President Trump.

This was all going to be exposed in short order, and removals were coming. When DJT had revelation and saw what was going on, he swiftly dealt with it as led through his submission and leading by Holy Spirit.

As this was worked out, there was another wave of supernatural grace and strength that came, even stronger than before.

Holy Spirit brought an alignment and doors were opened for those called into place to serve, protect and advance the Kingdom work that was at hand.

The acceleration of this shift was obvious as the Lord repositioned these ones and the favour became very kinetic.

I saw President Trump up to bat in a huge ball diamond and stadium. I saw the enemy throwing all sorts of pitches at him, and they were all garbage, but the President had the empowerment and grace to hit each and every allegation thrown at him!

Not only did he hit them, but he swung back and knocked them out of the park.

With all eyes on him he and by the grace and favor of God was able to take what the enemy threw at him and turn it for good!
Home run after home run.

At the end of the day, they threw all they had at him and did not even come close to striking him out!

Barry tell my people that they are seeing the greatest show on earth being played out in these days. There is an awakening about to be released through out the Nations that will bring in a harvest like no other.
Do not presume everyone is going to make it through.
There are many that have reject me, and have rejected my ways and have given them selves over to deception and evil. They have not heeded my warnings and have not turned away from their wicked ways, oh, how I have pleaded with them to turn to me for it is not my desire that any perish but all would come unto me for ever lasting life!
I say unto you on this day arise and shine for your light has come and the my glory of is risen upon you!
Walk with me in the heat of the day and in the cool of the night, I will lead you and guide you, I will be your strength in times of trouble and I will be your comforter and your protector in times of trouble. You are not alone – for you are mine – I will never leave you or abandon you. You will have shelter all the days of your life. I have called you for such a time as this, so do not be dismayed, for we shall walk together into victory!
Holy is the word of the Lord.


God Bless and Protect you and your families!
God Bless and Protect Israel!
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers, love and support. May God Richly Bless you all!

Barry Wunsch
PO Box 25069 Deer Park
Red Deer, Alberta
T4R 2M2

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