Prophetic Dream / Encounter: Soon things will never be the…

by | Feb 28, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Prophetic Dream / Encounter: Soon things will never be the same!
February 23, 2023
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch

I was taken into a military base at Colorado Springs.
I was brought part way in flying, and then taken up a road through a gated fenced restricted area into a mountain side.
I was taken into a mission control room. Full of staff, computers, monitors and large screens.
Things were on high alert.
They were monitoring movement on east and west coasts, as well as other nations. There was high level collaboration with other bases, and authorities.
All hands were on deck and on standby.

There was a big issue in the room, they did not have and / or trust their commander and chief, Joe Biden and his administration.

I could see Obama behind a curtain trying to call the shots. He had a yellow and blue Ukraine phone on his desk, as well as a blue phone to the WEF. He had different officials coming and going and briefing him as to current unfolding status.

There were Generals in the room, who were in command and under the direction and command of Donald J. Trump. I was shown a table of these Generals who were collaborating with DJT as they discussed and carefully planned steps and next steps. This had been in the works for some time – that was clear due to the complexity of all at play.
Things were very close to being in place to make the big move, one we have been waiting for!

I saw a roster with over 300 Nations involved behind the scenes. When they moved they were going to move together.
They were about to pull the carpet out from under the Cabal once and for all!
Hope filled the air! The target was in the cross hairs!
I knew by the spirit that when the time was right it would be a sure solid victory, the Father was on their side!
Justice served for all!

As they took action, and old things began to fall I saw the release of all sorts of things as this came to pass. I watched as new technology in finance, agriculture, medicine, energy, transportation and communication were released and rolled out! This was a new day!

The shift from poverty, starvation, health and control to quality of life was mind blowing.

Holy Spirit then spoke to me.
Barry, tell my people that soon things will never be the same.
Tell my people that their deliverance is quickly approaching!
Things are not as they appear, so do not loose heart.
For before you know it, victory shall be shouted from
the roof tops!
I have the best of the best in strategic positions for this very hour!
For I have heard every prayer, night and day, day and night that has cried out unto me.
And just as in days gone by, I shall again move on your
behalf, and I shall bring freedom, healing and deliverance unto you.
And just as in days of old I will pour out my spirit upon my sons and my daughters and they shall walk in my authority and their true identity!

I am turning the tables!
I am flipping things over!

Watch as the dominos begin to fall!
They will soon realize that I was far ahead of them!
For every move they make brings more to light for all to see!

The harvest that is to follow shall be like nothing you have ever seen or imagined!

Can I change a nation in a day?
Yes I can!

The Revival fire is lit!
The winds of change are blowing strong!
Angels that gather have been released!
The Angelic Hosts have been sent out!

The ecclesia is taking its place!

Stay strong! Stay the course!
Give fear and unbelief a kick!
They are not your friends!

Gather together with me, and I will not resist!
I will fill you, refresh you, strengthen you and launch you into
all I have for you.

Trust me, as we enter into this new day together!
It will be the best days of your lives!
Holy is the word of the Lord

God Bless and Protect you and your families!
God Bless and Protect Israel!
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers, love and support. May God Richly Bless you all!

Barry Wunsch
PO Box 25069 Deer Park
Red Deer, Alberta
T4R 2M2

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