Prophetic Dream Encounter Canada / Blackmail / Extortion /Espionage February…

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Prophetic Dream Encounter
Canada / Blackmail / Extortion /Espionage February 6, 2021
Respectfully submitted
Barry Wunsch
This morning I was taken into the Spirit where I saw many black packages being delivered across Canada. They were different sizes and shapes, but were all black and each had a small red label on them. They were being delivered by men in long black trench coats, black hats and dark glasses. I saw them all being covertly sent out from Ottawa to key locations across the country.
I knew by the spirit that these black packages that were being delivered, or had been delivered were threats and promises of harm, Blackmail, Extortion and Espionage to gain control and silence anyone who was a threat to expose the past, and to control the future plans of our Federal Government and Nation. It was sobering to be sure.
These threats (packages) were sent to key players across Canada. There were Governmental, politicians, Judges, authorities, leaders, Government employees, agents, civil servants, law enforcement and other institutional leaders. These were ones who held sensitive, inside information on matters of corruption and evil agendas.
There are many key people that have been compromised and deemed ineffective and controlled through blackmail, extortion bribes and espionage. The enemy had set many up in uncompromising situations to use it against them to control them. Others were just under threats if they were to expose anything incriminating.
They were being controlled under treats to themselves and their families. Lives were at risk. Reputations, financial consequences and futures destroyed. They were being controlled by fear of what will be done to them or their families if they were to expose the things that they know.
They were scared, they wanted out but knew that it would come at a high price to do so. They knew the potential risks and consequences if they came forward with the truth and the evidence that they had.
I knew that what these key players held was more than enough to turn things around for Canada.
The information they held was critical to the redemption of our Nation.
They needed help. They wanted help. They felt alone, and needed strategy and safe alliances to get out and move forward.
It was going to require great courage for these ones to take a stand. And put it all on the line. Those who did so had a supernatural grace and empowerment come on them through repentance and the grace of God. It released them in the Spirit to do what had to be done.
It started with a few stepping forward, and as they did it gave a freedom to others to do the same. It quickly gained a momentum that could not be stopped.
Those in the highest places of authority who had been gagged, and stopped from doing their job were now going into an offence against injustice and corruption on every level. Ultimately this would bring a righteous reset to Canada.
Prayer Points
We decree and declare protection over the key leaders within Canada, and we release courage, strength and wisdom over them to release any and all truth and evidence against all unrighteousness and corruption within all levels of Government in Canada.
We bind all fear, control, witchcraft, manipulation, threats and all forces of evil that have control over these key leaders in this Nation.
We declare and decree that the enemy would be caught in the traps they have set for others.
We bless the Nation of Canada, and we call forth Righteous Leaders into every office across this land.
We decree and declare that the Destiny of Canada will and shall be fulfilled.
Canada we stand on guard for thee in all thy Sons command !