PROPHETIC DREAM: CANADIAN PATRIOTS May 3, 2022 Respectfully Submitted, Barry…

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May 3, 2022
Respectfully Submitted,
Barry Wunsch

I had a dream where I was taken across the country of Canada. I was taken to small communities, big cities, and rural areas. Everywhere I was taken there were gatherings of Canadian patriots.
These patriots were preparing for days ahead.

There were some big events and there were tens of thousands of them from coast to coast. They were of every ethnic background; they were young they were old, and they were middle-aged.
They all had a story brought them to the point after the place that they were in. Despite the blows that they had taken, and the setbacks that they had endured they had a resolve that was unstoppable to stand for truth righteousness and justice.

Some of the gatherings were smaller and somewhere mid-size and larger. They were interconnected through love and the determination to stand for freedom and against the spiritual enemies that are within the nation.

I saw them in prayer and laying down their lives before God in full surrender. As they laid down their individual pride and agendas and came together with a unity there was nothing that was going to stop them.

They had been pushed into a corner, to a point where they could be pushed no more. The weight and the heaviness in the atmosphere was tremendous. More than I could hardly bear.
If something didn’t shift, something was going to break.

All of a sudden, there was a silence in the air as all electrical power was lost. All communication was shut off. My impression was that “The powers that be” had made a move.

I saw Angelic hosts being deployed region by region to a company these gatherings that were taking place. The angel armies were taking their place for the days that were unfolding ahead.

The battle of good vs evil was clearly at hand.

Then out of right field emerged a new platform, which had been in the works for some time- but it suddenly emerged out of nowhere.
It brought hope, unity and strong righteous men and women into places of leadership to bring Canada back to her destiny.

The battle would not be easy, but in surrender and submission to the Father victory was assured!

Of this we can be sure, Gods truth righteousness and justice shall prevail in Canada!

God Bless and Protect you and your families!
God Bless and Protect Israel!
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!
Respectfully Submitted,
Barry Wunsch

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