*** Prophetic Bulletin ***
Prophetic Dream, The Tree of Life and The Red Dragon
January 16, 2021
Prophetic Word, The Great Outpouring
January 17, 2021
It is with the fear and trembling that I release this dream and this word today. It is only in obedience to the Lord that I share it today as clearly and plainly as I possible. It was plain to me that I was to release this right now considering where we are at in this critical moment of History. I submit it to the Body for thoughtful prayer and intercession. It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit would illuminate only that which He has for His Body at his time.
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch
The Tree of Life and The Red Dragon
January 16, 2021
Early this morning I had a dream where I was shown the Tree of Life planted by the River of the Water of Life.
The Tree of Life stood on the bank of the river on the edge of what seemed to be a lush green field.
This Tree of Life was mature and exceptionally tall with a crown that was quite wide. I have never seen a tree as sturdy as this one. The trunk of this tree was thick and strong, and I don’t think any type of storm could ever take it out. There were many thick branches spreading out wide and were well balanced.
The branches were full of healthy leaves that were thick and full, and vibrantly green. This was a healthy tree.
I knew that it provided shelter for many, and I could feel the security, the shelter and peace that flowed from the broad covering that it provided. Clearly it gave protection to any that were under it.
This river that it was beside was deep and wide, and flowing gently but quickly, a beautiful hue of blue, I could see the water sparkle as the Sun glistened and danced as it was reflected off the water.
The next thing I saw as the scene changed was from a farther distance, and it was from here that I could see there was a large Red Dragon that was hovering over the Tree of Life.
This ugly Red Dragon had horns. large wings and sharp talons.
As I looked at it this Red Dragon it had wrapped its tail into and around the branches of this beautiful healthy tree and was trying to get the best grip and leverage that it could in order to uproot it and take it down. At the least it was clear the intentions were to do as much damage as possible and reek as much trouble and discord as it could.
It was angry and fierce to be sure and did have a lot of fight in it, but try as it might, it was not strong enough to uproot it and take it down no matter how hard it tried.
My perception was that the branches of this tree were the Nations of the World, and that this Red Dragon was the enemy himself, trying to wreak havoc among the Nations, to control and destroy Gods plans for creation and control these Nations of the earth in what appeared to be the Battle of the Ages.
This Red Dragon could only grab a couple of branches at once with its tail, not all of them at once. But the ones it got a hold of and shook were big ones, and when they shook so did the rest of the tree. That being said, the rest of the tree didn’t shake as badly as the ones that were directly in its grip, but they were all affected, nevertheless.
I could see the invasive tactics that this Red Dragon was employing and would stop at nothing whatsoever possible to accomplish this mission of intended destruction.
It was at this time that I saw the deep and extensive root system that this tree had. It had an overall structure that was as dense and as strong below the ground as it was on top that grounded and secured this tree against the vilest storm. It has stood through the tests of time and would not be moved. Not now, or forever more.
It was at this point where I could see the clear difference between the Enemy and the Nations. It was the Red Dragon that was being used to influence and cause the turmoil and the chaos. It had nothing to lose. It was clear that this was not fight against flesh and blood, but a spiritual fight against the principalities and powers.
I could clearly see the enemies evil attack against the plans of God in the earth, and how the enemy is raging against the nations in this hour looking to get a foothold and use it to control and bring division, hatred and damage whatever is possible at any cost.
With that being said there would be nothing that could take down this Tree of Life.
It would not, could not be uprooted. God’s creation would stand strong now and forever more.
Prophetic Word
January 17, 2021, The Great Outpouring
4:30 am
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch
This morning Holy Spirit woke me and gave me this following word. This is exactly what I heard and what I feel released to share. He who has ears let them hear.
The church has abdicated its rights through comprise.
The government has fell into the trap seeking power for themselves, not serving my people in love.
I am bringing my people back to serve under me as I have desired since the beginning of time. We shall do this together.
I am shaking structures as you have known them and once again shaping them into vessels for my great outpouring.
As surely as the waters cover the sea, so shall it be that you shall see my Glory cover the earth.
These shall be days of unprecedented Revival, signs, wonders and miracles.
I am looking for the willing ones to walk with me in humility and abandoned love along the way.
Kings of the Nations will once again fear my name and walk-in righteousness. Those that do not humble themselves I shall remove, and I shall bring forth those that are called by my name.
Henceforth, do not be afraid, do not be worried, but rise up into new levels of faith.
Trust me and know that there is no one, no power, no principality that is greater than I.
Hold fast to me and my love and stay near to my side and I will bring you through these waters. I have done it before, and I am doing it again.
Trust me as and my deliverance. My time is not your time. Trust me, I assure you that I am bringing this to pass, for It is my desire that not one perish, but that all come into everlasting life.
Be bold, be strong, be courageous and stand up with confidence where I have called you to stand and I will redeem what has been lost to the enemy.
I am coming looking for my beautiful bride, I am ready, and you will not be disappointed!
*** Prophetic Bulletin *** Prophetic Dream, The Tree of Life…
![*** Prophetic Bulletin *** Prophetic Dream, The Tree of Life…](https://thecanadianhammer.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/190943548_110566877895701_441957719345744959_n.jpg)