Prayer Briefing April 20, 2024

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Prayer Briefing April 20, 2024
Barry Wunsch
The Canadian Hammer
Once again I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the prayer, kind words, love and support.
It is very humbling, and I can’t thank you enough.
The past few weeks and months are, and have been the most intense than we have ever had.
I am in recovery from my fall, and am moving very slowly, trying to manage pain and discomfort as best as I can.
I am still fighting off a body rash and itch that is most irritating and uncomfortable. We are of course believing for supernatural healing and in the mean time doing what we can to deal with it and find the right remedy. I am in good hands.
I am most thankful for the loving care and help from the best wife and nurse ever.
Despite her own on going health issues, she is caring for me day and night.
A true sacrifice of her love and devotion. Please lift her up with me for her healing and restoration.
Please pray for our family, our sons Nolan and Nigel as they are also targets in the midst of all we are called to do.
As well, I am hit daily by imposters, and other attacks against us.
I have had to reschedule a few things since my fall, Elijah Streams, HIS Glory, and a few other invitations.
It has been day by day, sometimes hour by hour pressing through things.
I have been on high level calls and meetings here behind the scenes even in recovery.
There is not a day that goes by with out more information and things ramping up.
There is a lot I simply can’t share here for security reasons, but I will say that we are on high alert.
Please cover us and our team as we are called into a Leadership Summit April 25-27 in Kingston, Ontario.
It is called “Firing the Forge”. We have a team of Apostolic and Prophetic leaders gathering, joining Grant Abraham and I as we share what God is doing behind the scenes and where He is taking us. I am looking forward to all that the Lord is doing here.
We are going to also be attending the Canadian National Prayer Breakfast and meetings in Ottawa, May 6th and 7th.
I have never been to one before so this will be a first. I honestly did not want to go, but the Lord has made it clear that we need to be there.
The details of more high level meetings in the USA are being finalized now. These are the most important and critical meetings to date.
All this being said, the warfare upon us is at an all time high. There is no doubt that we are on target in the extremely critical moment.
We covet your love, prayers and support as we continue to lay down our lives for the Father and His kingdom purposes.
I pray that the Lord will bless and protect you and your families during this time, and that He would overshadow you in all of your ways, and that He would not with hold one good thing from you!
Barry Wunsch