June 17, 2021 Open Prophetic Vision Newspaper headline: ‘Victory DJT…

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June 17, 2021
Open Prophetic Vision
Newspaper headline:
DJT sweeps the Nation!’

During a prolonged time in prayer I was taken into an open vision, this is exactly as I saw it.
I respectfully submit it to you.

I saw a newspaper front page.
Like history.
The war was over.
The Head line read:
‘Victory DJT sweeps the Nation!’

I knew it was over this was it.
It was done. It was finished.
It was time to celebrate.
Then I saw masses of people pouring out onto the street.
Flags and celebration.
Yet there was still work to be done.
There was still tension in the air.
Intense tension.
I saw a large crowd outside the Whitehouse gathering.

Those who had conspired and engineered the evil plans were suddenly surrounded inside the Whitehouse, nowhere to run.
Nowhere to escape.
This was the end for them.
I saw military coming in for support.
The support of the people.

The entered the Whitehouse and other buildings and escorted out these evil ones. They were gathered like prisoners of war on the front lawn. Lined up row upon row. Each one now Restrained in handcuffs and shackles.

The crowd would cheer in great out bursts as each group was rounded up and brought out on display.

The Patriots were singing on the streets, anthems and songs of victory and thanksgiving unto God.

Soon enough the corrupted ones were all extracted.

They were then marched out into the street surrounded by and under the control of the Great patriot army and followed by the citizens that had gathered.

I watched as they were matched through the streets, now humiliated and about to face the consequences of all the evil and corrupt actions and things that they had done.

They were matched into an Army Base, where it appeared that they would be processed and incarcerated, ready to face the Righteousness judges, on trial facing justices and the highest of consequences. They would get all that they had coming for their crimes against humanity.

I saw DJT in an inauguration ceremony. He was surrounded by Military and this one looked different. There was no showboating. It was serious, the job had been done, and it was time to heal, and time to rebuild.

Even those who had opposed DJT, could now no longer deny the evils that had been done by the corrupt.

The fighting spirit in them had been broken.

I saw military planes being loaded with special teams and lawyers and boxes and pallets of documents departing to other nations to do what they had to do, they had foreign dignitaries awaiting their arrival to help them when they arrived. Plans were strategically in place to execute their plans.

They were on route to arrest those foreign corrupt leaders to bring them to justice.

The world would never be the same.

I watched as Nation after Nation rejoiced on the streets as Justice was served and Freedom Truth and Righteousness flowed like mighty waters.

The battle had been epic. And many were lost along the way.

Those who were left standing had a great reward!