I am feeling very weepy today. Some things are difficult…

by | Sep 27, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

I am feeling very weepy today.
Some things are difficult to forget.

In Memory of Warren Wilson

Eleven years ago today years ago today, was indeed one of the hardest days of my life. We lost a great man in an tragic truck accident. I will never forget that day. “The phone call..your truck has been in an accident and it is very bad” The RCMP hi-way road block. The debris on the hi-way. The officer ” Buddy there is no easy way to say this, you are going to have a shitty day, your driver is dead. The investigators. The Emergency res-ponders. The press. The other driver. Hours on scene. The kindness of the Emergency Chaplain and his words of wisdom on the shoulder of the road. The kindness of those around us who perhaps did not know how deep the pain was. The Grace of God pouring into my grief when I needed it the most… It is difficult to put into words how this event has impacted my life and I know so many others much more… spouse, kids, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, aunties, uncles, friends and associates. I know that we continue to heal and work it out, each in there own way, and there are still heavy days. So in memory of Warren Wilson I want to encourage each and every one of my precious family and friends to care for each other. Be kind. Show love, compassion and affection to those around you. Don’t withhold love, a kind word, a listening ear, a hug, a kind gesture. Go out of your way to reach out to those around you and extend life ! Just the thought of having someone that cares for you , that went out of their selfish way for a few minutes to love you is the most beautiful gift anyone can receive. Learn to give in the 5 love languages, physical touch, encouraging words, gift giving, quality time or acts of service. These are powerful ways to extend love. No one knows what tomorrow holds, so tell those around you what they mean to you, even if you are not used to sharing your feelings just do it. And if you need to work out any hurts, do so. Forgive and be forgiven. Close that chapter and open a new one clean and fresh. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. Let them go. One thing I know is that love never fails. Look for those around you who are hurting, having a hard time, broken and bleeding or in the ditch and reach out to them. Not necessarily with platitudes or advice, just love, a listening ear and a prayer. Odds are that they won’t come running to you. And by chance if they do come to you, please don’t brush them off, or judge them. Just love them you don’t know the full weight that they are carrying. If you are thinking about someone, consider calling them so you can hear their voice….see how they really are doing, or better yet a visit or dinner together. Facebook and texting are good but not as personal. As for me I am healing up, thanks be to God and my dear wife. And one day I hope to be a better person because of it. As my dear Mom used to say ” One day at a time. ..” I do hold on to the early morning Holy Spirit words spoken to my heart a week before the accident ” Everything is going to be alright …” and I know that it will. I am thankful for my loving wife and sons. You have no idea how much I love you and what you mean to me ! I hope you hear my heart, ponder my words and that you would love one another deeply. Love one another like your life depends upon it. All my Love Barry, a son, husband, father, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin, friend and colleague.