by | Aug 8, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments


A few weeks ago, we were under such spiritual opposition. There were spirits coming at us trying to oppress us, take out our family and push us back off the national targets and Kingdom assignments we are working on, it was ridiculous!

There has also been over the past few months an increasing pressure to shut down and silence the prophetic, intercession and worship to restrict our access into the realms we need to ascend to the places we need to occupy in the Spirit.
We dare not relent at this time. We must press in like never before!
The demonic release of judgments, gossip, rejection, jealousy and pride have been evident in trying to shut down the saints. The demonic spirts released by the enemy are trying to divide, hurt and control us and shut us down.
There is often accompanying control and manipulation on many levels. The enemy twisting truth and communication to cause problems and issues.
The attack upon the body at this hour has been full on to get us off the main target of the enemy. Pray for those who are coming against you. Don’t dispose them. Walk in truth and walk in love! Watch your heart!
Rejection is so painful, there have been way too many casualties. That was never the Father’s plan!

We must stop the cannibalism in the Church.
We must stop the gossip.
Like a pillow and feathers being released in central park, once released they are hard to recover!
The fear of the Lord is coming once again to the body.
We are being called higher!
These things are hard to talk about, but they must be brought into the light.
When we have unresolved issues, it gives the enemy a foothold and access if they are not brought to the light and brought under the blood with repentance and forgiveness. There is no one perfect, we must remember that the ground is level at the foot of the Cross!
If God is big enough for me, He is big enough for my brother!
We are seeing breakthrough! As we walk in this it is at hand! It is now, and it is coming! It is galvanized in my spirit how critical it is to go in low right now and keep our love on.
I felt the Lord impress upon me that if we have anything in us that rejoices in a brother’s failure or lack of success we are in trouble. Or worse yet, that we hope or push for their failure.
May God give us supernatural grace and wisdom to walk in truth and mercy with the humility and heart of God.
Now is not the time to be taking one another out with our words our deeds and our actions.
Every part of the body is important and needed! We have to be okay that it looks and work out different than ours!

We must go higher!
We are called to gather at the altar, to pursue Him, where the worship and intercession intertwines together in unity as one with Him! It is about Him!
Many in our nations are in the battle of their lives right now! For those family members that are struggling, marriages, finances, health let alone the fight for our freedom and against the evil oppressions and agendas that are besetting us! Post-traumatic stress upon the nations is at an all-time high.
As I see it, now is the time it should be full out, no stops at the altar. Pressing in like never before.
It is offensive to the religious spirit when it gets loud! But in the right spirit it drives back the enemy! I am not saying that it has to get loud, but when it does and when it gets messy, we should be prepared that anything can happen!

Leaders – be careful what you shut down! And be careful what you allow or disallow! Give no room for the enemy at the altar!

Be careful not to shut Him out when He comes in and compromise to a demonic spirit!
I have seen this.
The snake on the altar.
If there is a day we need to stand, this is the day.
So, let it be known that it is with this declaration that we stand!

The Declaration: I will not bow to the religious spirit. I will not bow to the political spirit. I will not bow to Jezabel. I will not bow to control and manipulation. I will not bow to fear. I will not be an enabler. I will stand for truth, righteousness and justice. My voice will not be silenced. There is one whom I will bow to. It is The Lord, Jesus Christ. There is no other.
This is a critical hour.
We must go higher. No matter the cost. May no one be left behind.
Who else is willing?

God Bless and Protect you and your families! God Bless and Protect Israel! God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful! God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!

Barry Wunsch
PO Box 25069 Deer Park
Red Deer, Alberta
T4R 2M2

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