Canadian Prophetic Encounter Canada / Kingston / Ottawa / Ontario…

by | May 29, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Canadian Prophetic Encounter
Canada / Kingston / Ottawa / Ontario / Alberta / Israel / USA
April 10, 2021
I had a prophetic encounter where I was taken into the mountains and a high level strategic bunker and a war room in Kingston Ontario, Canadas first Capital. The Ecclesia was gathered and I was shown many things that are going on right now. I was also taken into The Parliament Building in Ottawa and into the closet and office of the Ontario Premier. I saw Revival coming through Academia in Ontario and spreading throughout Canada, as well as Canadas call to bless Israel and partner with the United States of America.
I share this in obedience and with the fear of the Lord. May righteousness, justice and freedom come to Canada from sea to sea to sea.
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch