Canada Time for Reset
The Wave is Coming
Prophetic Encounter
October 30,2020
I saw a big wave forming off the west coast of Canada. My eyes swept across the ocean, and I saw the ocean ‘drawing back’ for as far as I could see from the 50th parallel to North of Prince Rupert. I watched the water level drop and drop significantly over a unusualy long period of time. This was not a normal ocean condition! It was a ways off shore and the waters just kept reversing, pulling back and back leaving a deep “valley” in the water.
I soon realized that it had pulled back so it could move forward !
It was like it had recoiled to harness, reposition and release power in a wave like we have never seen the likes of before and it was going to be released across Canada shortly. This was like nothing we have ever experienced before.
As I watched, the waters started to build and swell from the place it had retreated out of that “valley” of water.
It ramped up much faster than it had receeded. It was bigger, higher and wider than any wave you have seen. It was well over 150′ high and ran up and down the west coast.
As the swell transformed into the wave it built up and moved forward hit land, the energy from it was transferred into the land, smashing and crashing down and through anything in its way. I watched the wave transform and go through the ground, now this wave was roaring through the land just as it had the ocean.
It shook everything. Everything.
All foundations, all root systems, every hill, mountain, plain, low place, high place was impacted.
I knew that nothing would ever be the same. Everything was going to be reset.
It was felt coast to coast.
It brought things to a halt for a time.
Every one was impacted.
As everything was now exposed from the shaking, a soberness and a unity came accross the land.
As all was stripped away from us, all the things that divided us did not matter anymore.
It was like we suddenly were wide awake, and realized that we are really alot alike, and in this together and needed one another to make it through.
As things settled down, the it was clear that the rebuilding was going to be massive, but a peace, love and unity overshaddowed Canada from coast to caost.
It was clear that things had been removed that had been hindering the Call, Prosperity and Destiny of Canada. It was a full on reset Coast to Coast.
May we be a people willing to prepare our hearts for all that is coming to bring Healing and Restoration in Canada !
May the Lord not Tarry an move acrros Canada. We cry out to Him today with hurting and broken hearts.
Lord forgive us where we have missed it.
We cry out for your Mercy and Grace over each and every Canadian in this great land.
Bring Healing and Restoration to each and every one.
Lord God you are our only Hope and we cry out to you today !
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch
Canada Time for Reset The Wave is Coming Prophetic Encounter…