Canada / The Western Gate The Fault Line / The…

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Canada / The Western Gate
The Fault Line / The Shaking
Prophetic Encounter
March 1, 2021
Respectfully submitted
Barry Wunsch

On February 24,2021 I was taken in the Spirit to the ocean floor off the West Coast of British Columbia, Canada.

As I looked around, I saw I had been taken to a major fault line that was beginning to rumble and the pressure was starting to build up. I watched bubbles, sediment and debris was being blown out of this fault line. Hundreds of years of sediment and debris being shaken and blown away like nothing at all.

The power here was like nothing I had ever seen before. It was terrifying to be honest.

There was seismic activity building quickly. The waters were beginning to get murky as this sediment and debris was being blown out, it became difficult to see. What you could not see, you could feel. It was beginning to rumble.

This was a major fault line in Canada.
I knew Canada would never be the same when this thing released.

Throughout the past week I continue to see this fault line and pressure building the in the Spirit, and I am shaken deep inside with what I see coming. The shaking that is building and coming to Canada is immense. It has caused me to weep at what I have seen happening. It is here and it is coming.

This afternoon and evening as I have been going about my day, I have been seeing visions of this fault line, however, the water was now clear and the debris was gone, there is no marine life in the area and the fault line is now bulging, bubbling and flowing with red hot lava!

There was more of an uncomfortable silence, I knew that it was getting more intense even though I could not hear it now.

The pressure had increased significantly and now was VERY HIGH! The pressure here was immense!

The next thing I knew, I had a satellite view and saw this fault line and it was lit up and red hot from the 50th parallel to the southern point of Alaska. It was off shore and followed the natural coast line.

The highest activity was the lower portion of the province.

I had the sense that this was about to open up like a zipper. As this pressure hit it’s breaking point I saw the shaking and quaking, upon more quaking and shaking, this was big and it opened up things for Canada, the impact would change us forever. We would never be the same.

This shaking was clearly between good and evil.
No longer would it be contained.

I saw that as the evil was confronted by the remnant believers things started to blow apart.

They were bold as a Lion and had the Authority of heaven to Govern. As they took their place the conflict and battle began and it was full on Warfare.

This was not for the faint of heart, or the little weak hurting sheep. This was for the Warriors in the Spirit full of Holy Spirit Fire bringing freedom to the land.

Breaking strongholds, tearing down evil structures.

For far too long the passivity in the Church, allowed the enemy to come and easily taken control of Canada right before our eyes. Many are not even aware to this day the precarious situation that it out us in.

The Ecclesia is now standing up in Canada,

And it is bringing conflict as they take their positions. The remnant has been prepared, awakened and they are beginning to assemble, stand up and march. They are going to take back the land that the enemy has stolen.

And it is going to be spiritually violent at times as they confront the enemy.

For years the Church has been singing Kumbya, in nice safe meetings while the enemy has taken over our country.

We are now in a season where the Ecclesia is being sent out to take back the land and release Kingdom of God.

There is a realignment with in the body coming to understand the Family side of the Church and the Governmental side of the Church. Both are needed. Both have to function. And now is not the time to be fighting one another.

The Father is calling us to walk in love, unity and understanding together as one that they may know us by our love.

We declare and decree that the Ecclesia arise and displace every evil structure with in this Nation and bring Truth and Righteousness and the Kingdom of God here on the earth as it is in heaven.

We declare and decree Grace over the Church to walk in unity, love, power and might to be all we are called to be for the Glory of God within our Nation.