Canada it is time to mobilize! Prophetic Word March 27,2021…

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Canada it is time to mobilize!
Prophetic Word
March 27,2021 3:00 am
Respectfully submitted
Barry Wunsch
Early this morning Holy Spirit woke me up and took me into the spirit. I watched as the Ecclesia was being mobilized in the dead of night under a canopy of darkness.
They were moving stealthily in platoons.
It seemed somewhat underground. And very grassroots. There were platoon leaders who had been hidden now taking their place and leading. The church buildings were more or less closed.
It was serious at this time, and it was time to move. There was a militancy feeling to them mobilizing now. They were being called up and deployed into action.
There was land to be taken back from the enemy. They had resolve to get-r done.
Souls to be saved. Things to be restored and taken back for the kingdom of God.
Then this word came to me, I submit it to you just as it came, nothing more, nothing less.
Barry tell my people, My Canada it is time to mobilize. I have called you as my great army, and it is time to stand up and hit the streets. Hit the streets with my Love, hit the streets with truth. Hit the streets with Holy Spirit Fire. Hit the streets with loving kindness. Cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead. Hit the streets with signs wonders and miracles. I am calling Canada into revival. I am calling Canada into Reformation. I will not contain it in a building. Mobilize, take it into the streets, take it into your houses, take it into the market, take it on the airwaves, take it to the government, take it to the schools and universities, take it to the studios and galleries – take my Fire – I have called you to carry my Word, Power and Glory unto the ends of the earth! I have gone before you!
Ecclesia you are called and you are commissioned to bring it!
What are you waiting for?
I have called you to go, and yet many want to stay comfortable as things were.
I say unto you again, this is a new era.
This is a new day. It is time to go !