An Urgent Plea to Canada The gates of hell shall…

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An Urgent Plea to Canada
The gates of hell shall not prevail
January 28,2021
Respectfully submitted
Barry Wunsch
A few nights ago, I woke up early in the morning with the darkest, most depressing, bleak hopeless feeling that I have ever had.
It was ominous. Paralyzing. The darkest feeling I have ever had. I could not see a way out.
The thoughts of suicide played through my mind. I saw the enemy trying to provoke me and show me many of the ways it could be done, I won’t go into details, but I assure you, it was awful.
It was then, that I felt the Holy Spirit speak to my spirit and He said that this is the feeling and oppression that many of my people in Canada are under right now.
It was if for a few moments, that I was in a place of intercession for those who have had all hope stripped away from them, and their families.
It was so heavy, and I can still feel the hopelessness and despair that the Enemy is pounding this Nation with.
I keep hearing that we are being hit with Economic terrorism. The intentional shutdown of our Nation to control and oppress us to ultimately take us out.
I also keep hearing the phrase Environmental terrorists. They to are working together to shut down our resources and our hope to shut down the Destiny of this great Country of Canada.
I have for several months been hearing the term Social Engineering. I had no idea what this was about untill I did some further research on it, and I urge you to do the same. All I can say is that God is waking us up and He has the greatest plan for Social Engineering. He always did, and always will.
I plea with you, my fellow Canadians to turn your hearts to God like never before.
If we do not, and change our ways, and stand up and open up once again the devastation to this Nation will be beyond anything we have ever seen.
It is time for the Church of Canada to stand up and wake up, and get out of our little isolated bubble and get to work. How long shall we be muzzeled and controlled while
lives are at stake and being lost?
I decree and declare over the Nation of Canada that the Church would awaken and arise. And that there would be a new passion for truth, Rightousness and Justice. That the we would arise and our enemies be scattered. That faith hope and love would be released to the brokenhearted. That the darkness that has covered our land be dispersed and the Light and Power of the Holy Spirit be released coast to coast to coast.
I decree and declare that Canada shall fulfill her Destiny and the gates of hell will not prevail.