6 hours to go. We have not come this far…

by | Apr 29, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

6 hours to go.
We have not come this far for nothing.
It is a lot to digest.
Many not knowing about Grant Abraham running for leadership of the Federal Conservative party.
Should that not be your first clue.
There is a much bigger picture here at hand.
If you really want to bring fearless, bold raw truth to the table, Grant Abraham is the man.
I know him well.
I also know of a higher picture.
I encourage you to stand and financialy support Grant Abraham today.
He along with other strong conservative voices need to be given the right to free speech, not just a party nartive as we have seen.
Again, he stands against WEF, WHO, Digital passports, UN health treaties just to name a few.
We have 6 hours left to raise $100,000.00
Every bit helps.
I will be sharing more on a broader perspective to connect the dots for those who are asking.
I am doing this for the Kingdom as God has led me to share publicly and endorse Grant. Abraham as I have.

If you can financially help Grant Abraham run for the Leadership of the Federal Canadian Leadership in any way we are in the final hours of raising the funding for him to qualify.
We are in the final hours, and today is critical to get it done.
You can follow the link below to give. Deadline is with in hours to help qualify Grant Abraham to run in this race.

Once again, he is a lonely voice talking about the things no one else is, WEF, WHO, UN Health Treaty, Digital ID to name a few.

Grant is a true God fearing, anointed Conservative leader and needs our support. Lets dig in and help him out.

God is doing something very strategic here and it is a windy path to navigate. It is a much bigger picture than meets the eye.

We need to continue to pray and trust God as He leads us! Most Sincerely, BarryHere

Link to give: https://donate.conservative.ca/en/abraham/
Hold the Line!
God Bless you and your families!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!
God Bless and Protect Israel!
Most Sincerely,
Barry Wunsch

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