Prophetic Word: I have an open door over Canada! May 29, 2024.  2:43 am

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Prophetic Word: I have an open door over Canada!

May 29, 2024.  2:43 am

Respectfully submitted,

Barry Wunsch

The Canadian Hammer.

Published July 16, 2024


I received this word May 29,2024, and did not have grace to release it, until tonight.

Raw, nothing added or taken away, here it is to take before the Father. .



Prophetic Word:

I have opened up the door over Canada!


This is your hour to stand and arise with me!


Barry, tell My people I am breaking the 3 cords of communism off of Canada!


This evil 3 cord strand is about to go!


This evil alliance is coming into the light!

They cannot hide it any longer!

The deception and witchcraft from where they spin their plans manipulating My people is being exposed to bring My Justice to this land that I love!


This red, orange and blue cord is going down!

This deceptive evil alliance is coming down!

They are all in cahoots!

These Governmental Puppets played by puppet master globalists and elites and they are tearing Canada down!


Trudeau, Singh and Poilievre are three peas in a pod!

They have taken the silver!

They have been bought out!

They are dancing to the tune of their handlers!

They are bad actors!

They take their cues and curtain calls by the same evil directors!

They are bought and paid for!

Make no mistake, they know exactly what they are doing!

Except for the fact that they did not consider Me and My ways, and they don’t have a chance against Me!

They lie at will.

You can be sure they are not getting a hall pass on this one!


They have brought Canada under a curse!

They have Canada under a spell!


You will be shocked at what you are about to see!


Watch as I break that curse and break that spell and remove these ones from every elected office!


No longer shall they control and destroy this land!


They all have to go!


Leaders in and of darkness hidden in plain sight, masquerading pretending to be light, making promises they simply don’t intend to keep!

Two faced, hidden behind masks that are coming off! Intentionally deceiving My people!

The gig is up! They are not who they say they are!

Occult practitioners pretending to be men and women of Christian faith, snuggling up to pastors and leaders deceiving the Nation at all costs!


They have made their decision, as have I!


Canada – Whistle blowers are being released, for what they are doing behind the scenes is treasonous!


Undisputable evidence is at hand!

They will not be able to stop it, or spin it!


Let it be known I am taking My Canada back!


I am going to clean house on Parliament Hill!

It’s all coming down!


This demonic Babylonian shall be no more by the time I am through!


The religious political spirit has had their day, they shall be cut off from that spirit of Jezabel that you have tolerated.


It is a time for deep repentance to burn through this Nation so we can build again!


I am raising up a grass roots movement in this Nation!


I have an Abraham that shall lead the way!


Let it be known, I have chosen him, called him by name and

my hand is upon him,  and My favor is with him!


He shall speak truth in love, and he has my breaker anointing upon him!


Canada has been waiting for him!


He is farther along than they know!


Canada, hear the word of the Lord –

Prepare for Abraham to lead this great Nation of Canada into her destiny!


It is time for his voice to be heard across this great Nation!


Barry, tell my first peoples that I have heard their cry.

I have counted every tear.

I have seen the sorrow and the heart ache.

I have seen your repentance and your turning your heart back to Me.

Your whisper of forgiveness to your betrayers has cleared a path for Me to move across this land.

You can rest assured that it is now in my hands!

The time for pure justice is nigh.

Watch now and see Me move swiftly through this land.

The sleeping giant is no longer in a slumber!


Watch as I bring the east, the west and the First Nations together as one!


United! Like never before!


Canada – get ready for the rebirth of your Nation!


Once again, I shall have Dominion from sea to shining sea!


Once again you will be able to say “I am proud to be Canadian!”


And Canada, you shall take the leaves of the tress to heal the Nations!

Holy is the word of the Lord



Barry Wunsch

The Canadian Hammer



God Bless and Protect you and your families!

God Bless and Protect Israel!

God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!

God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!


Barry Wunsch

PO Box 25069 Deer Park

Red Deer, AlbertaT4R 2M2



