Prophetic Word: I am calling families back to the table! 09.15.2023

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Prophetic Word: I am calling Families back to the table.

Respectfully Submitted

Barry Wunsch

September 15, 2023

During a time of prayer, Holy Spirit kept showing a kitchen table.

And I heard Him whisper over, and over again “I am calling families back to the table”.

As I remained in prayer, He spoke very clearly to me.

“Barry, tell my people that I am calling families back to the table.

The hurt, and the pain that has been released upon my beloved children is coming to an end.

A turning point.

For I am releasing a spirit of conviction, repentance and humility that is going to turn the hearts of these ones to lay down every offence that separates.

They shall come together in a humble and broken spirit and repentance and forgiveness shall flow.

And watch as I restore and heal those deepest places of pain within your families.

I am bringing healing and deliverance for the harshest of powerful addictions and brokenness that my children have been struggling with that has held them captive for far too long.

On this day, my precious little lambs, surrender it all to me.

Lay it all down and come unto me.

For there is no sin to great that my Blood did not cover.

Bring it all into the light where the enemy cannot control you with it any longer.

Come unto, gathering around the table and know that I am there in the midst with you.

Let my love once again draw you and your family close unto me and unto one another!

You will be a beacon of hope and a brilliant light to the world, and you shall overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony!”

Holy is the Word of the Lord