Prophetic Word: Great Britain, Call to Prayer March 4,2023 Respectfully…

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Prophetic Word: Great Britain, Call to Prayer
March 4,2023
Respectfully Submitted,
Barry Wunsch
The Canadian Hammer

I had a disturbing dream in the early hours
and as I got up and was praying for the Canadian National Leader and saw the things that were going on with him and
around him, the Lord kept highlighting Great Britain. It did not relate to the Canadian leader, but I kept hearing it crying out to me ‘Great Brittan’ but as I prayed I saw nothing, I heard nothing.
Over the next few days it was continually
being stirred in my spirit. Well I was at a worship gathering Saturday night, and in that time Holy Spirit took me into an open vision and began to show me some things going on regarding Great Britain.
So I share this with fear and trembling, and release this as a call to prayer for Great Britain at this time. My God intervene and have His way – may Great Britain behold the Wind of Change and the Winds of Revival!
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch

I was taken in the spirit into a metro subway station in Great Britain.
I watched as worship teams set up on platforms filled with people, as those coming and going stopped to hear what was going on, the crowds grew and grew.
The Spirit of God was touching the hearts of the lost and they were being drawn into Him and His Kingdom.
I heard the call go forth to the Intercessors. And soon there were teams of intercessors with boots on the ground, riding the Metro
Praying and interceding for Great Britain.
They were called in as defense against the enemy and to break ground for the evangelists that were being released in Great Britain.
I watched as these Evangelists were being released on the metro, they laid hands on the sick, healed people and brought deliverance and salvation to the masses.

I was then taken and shown a group of terrorists that were planning a strike in great Brittan, they were planning a strike
on the Metro, and power stations through the land.

I saw terrorists from Iran behind this strike.
I saw their passports, but sensed that they were radicals working independently to cause turmoil.

I saw that there were traitors in the UK GVT
with Intel and collaboration in setting
things up lining their pockets with bribes. These ones had been sharing and blocking information as and when needed to assist in the plot they were working on.

From what I saw, there is time to pray and diverert such actions and save lives and stop the chaos they had intended.

Then the Lord said to me:
Barry tell my people it is time to put things aside and seek my face.
For Great Britain you are called to more
than what you are settling for!
It is time Great Britain to get back on your knees before Me and give me your heart.
You have dismissed Me and My ways and you have left Great Britain in a position of great risk.
Come unto Me, and turn your hearts towards Me, turn from your wicked and evil ways and I will meet you face to face.
Great Britain you will come to know Me in a new way, and I will move on your behalf!
Turn to Me and cry out to Me and I will see that no harm shall touch you.
I will deliver you, and bring you victory over every enemy.
Great Britain I am calling each one to examine your hearts, that I may heal you and fill you with love and courage to stand
for what is rightous and true.
Great Britain you have called good evil and evil good, so walk with Me now and let me renew your mind, soul and spirit unto Me, the Lord of Heaven and Earth and you will never be the same!
Holy is the word of the Lord

God Bless and Protect you and your families!
God Bless and Protect Israel!
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers, love and support. May God Richly Bless you all!

Barry Wunsch
PO Box 25069 Deer Park
Red Deer, Alberta
T4R 2M2

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