Prophetic Word / Encounter: Tell My People it is not a bridge to far!
January 30, 2025
Respectfully Submitted,
Barry Wunsch
On January 29,2025 I was on a high-level briefing call with some of our dear American brothers.
On these calls we have a time of prayer, and we use weaponized prayer to hit these prayer targets that are on the radar as the Lord leads.
During our prayer time the Lord spoke to me and said: “Proceed and Occupy”
We were praying, making decrees and declarations
over our Nations releasing the plans and purposes of God.
He has called us to declare and decree HIS Truth.
We are called to walk in the kingdom authority He has given us over all the dark and demonic plans and agendas of the enemy.
Our decrees and declarations make a way for Him in our Nations, and releases His plans and purposes.
As sons and daughters of the most high, the one and only true and living God, He has called us to this!
Let it be known that the ecclesia is taking their authority and walking with the Father, and we are making headway and taking back ground for the Kingdom of God to be established here on this earth.
It is more about releasing the light more than focusing on the darkness.
This is the Kingdom that we are in, and we are bringing heaven to earth!
At any rate, The Lord is giving us a Cabal-ectemy!!
On January 30, I was working away in my garage, and He spoke again:
He said: “Barry, tell My people, its not a bridge to far!”
Then on January 31, 2025, the Lord spoke to me again as I was going about my day.
He said” It is not a bridge to far!”
As He spoke this time I was immediately taken into the spirit where I found myself standing on a bridge.
Dead center on that bridge.
It was a very heavy atmosphere.
Very Heavy.
Like those old war movies, I could see smoke, debris and carnage behind me and scores of humanity trying to get to the bridge to cross.
I could look back, and I could look ahead.
I could clearly see where we have come from, what we have been in. The mess, the evil kings and global cabal and all the control and mess that was there and was raging.
It was as warzone.
I could see the masses pushing forward inch by inch to get to and to get across that bridge.
As I looked ahead to where we were going, I could see the new day that lied ahead.
I saw our team making a way, crossing the bridge first, leading the way and securing the ground.
The battle had been and way very fierce.
Brutally so. There were wounded ones that would not stop forging ahead on behalf of the Nations for the Kingdom of God.
We were not going to stop or quit until everyone was across.
I could see where we were going and the other side of the bridge.
It was bright! I saw healing. I saw peace and restoration!
I saw the wealth of the world being released to us to rebuild- in a whole new way.
There was nothing hindering and nothing in the way.
I saw places opening up for family restoration and healing!
I there were those waiting for the wounded and broken ready to care for them with the upmost love!
It was beautiful in every way.
The Lord spoke to me and said:
”Barry, tell my people that it is not a bridge to far!
For I have brought you this far, I will take you all the way!
For what looks impossible to you, is nothing for Me!
In fact, you have seen nothing yet!
What I am about to do is on a scale so great that all will know that this was by my spirit!
There are some that are caught behind the enemy lines and have gotten trapped by the enemy and it does not appear in the natural that they will make it out alive in the natural – but let me remind you once again that I am a supernatural God!
Since when have I moved in a way that glory could be taken by anther?
I will not give glory to another in the past nor will I do it now.
I am bringing freedom!
I am bringing restoration!
I am releasing My Glory!
Hear me again on this day, I have called you my people to walk with me, and to release the sound with in you!
I have called you to walk in intimacy and humility and release your gift in love to those I have called you to!
This is not a bridge to far!
Not for me!
Not for you with me going before you and going with you!
I am right at your side!
Renew your strength like that of an eagle on this day and soar with me in places you did not imagine possible!
Though the battle rages on, do not grow weary!
Gird yourself up by my Spirit!
I am calling the minstrels and worshipers and those who minister unto me to go ahead!
Do not hold them back, do not try to control them, let them go where they need to go by My Spirit!
Release your sound!
Blow the shofar!
Let the dancers dance!
Raise a mighty shout unto me, and as you do you can count on me to do my part!
Watch with me as the enemy is being driven into confusion and looses the way!
The weapons of my warfare are not like yours!
Victory shall be ours!
Nothing shall stop us!
It is not a bridge to far!
Holy is the word of the Lord
Barry Wunsch
The Canadian Hammer
PO Box 25069 Deer Park
Red Deer Alberta, T4R 2M2
God Bless and Protect you and your families!
God Bless and Protect Israel!
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!