Prophetic Word: Baal, Ishtar & Moloch are coming down!
March 16, 2025
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch
On March 16, I woke up at 4 am with a deep agonizing stirring in my spirit.
I got up, made a coffee, and sat down with the Lord.
I went through my morning devotional time and prayer, and around 7 am I laid down again to get a little more rest.
I still felt this unsettled intercession in my spirit.
I was able to drift of again into some sleep and woke up at 9:30am and the Lord instantly began to speak to me.
I once again share with the fear of the Lord.
He gave it to me to be released so here it is.
“Barry, tell My people that the sifting is well underway!
My people have prayed.
My people have fasted for revival to come and yet they do not recognize when I come, or how I come.
I am not just coming into their nice little church gathering.
I am coming to save your nations.
For when I come, it is like a refiner’s fire and a launderer’s soap.
For centuries there have been things My people have tried to blame on the devil when it was I moving among My people.
Evil kings and empires have been built and have been deeply rooted into the land.
Pawns in the hands of evil powers and principalities.
The enemies plan to kill, steal and destroy have not changed – nor have My plans changed!
For I have come to bring life and life abundantly!
My people have been greatly deceived and have lost their way serving the kingdom of self rather than serving Me and My Kingdom.
Heaven is My home, and the earth is My footstool, who has prepared My resting place?
Who has made room for Me?
You have put Me in your little boxes, thinking that you have Me figured out.
I tell you today that you do not know Me as well as you would like to think you do.
The days of playing games are coming to an end.
The wells that you draw from that are not from Me I am about to dry up.
You have drawn from wells that leave you still thirsting.
Those wells will never satisfy the thirst in you that only I can quench.
For those who insist on resisting Me and My ways to maintain your little kingdoms I can assure you My fire shall blow through and the gold I have put in you shall be refined and shall remain. Anything else has to go.
Let Me ask you these questions and answer Me if you can.
Why do you do the things you do?
Do you do them mindful of Me in anyway?
Do you follow and worship Me out of love and adoration, or do you come looking for what is in it for you?
Are you just looking for another ‘hit’, a spiritual and emotional high or are you coming in a spirit of love, honesty, truth, and pure worship?
What is it in your heart and spirit that encumbers you from coming to Me in a posture of reverence and abandoned authentic worship?
I desire you to live your life as worship unto Me, not just in your little boxes.
The earth cries out for the manifest sons and daughters of Mine to rise up and take their place.
As you do, I promise you this, I will meet with you, and I will not disappoint you!
You shall see favor upon favor go before you.
You will see supernatural signs, wonders, miracles, and revival breakout in the land!
It will be much more than a few goosebumps!
Now let Me be clear, I am King above all kings.
I am Lord above all lords.
There are none above Me, nor will there ever be now or forever more.
“I am shaking governments like never before.
I am shaking the nations like never before.
I am bringing you into freedom.
The Babylonian systems that have ruled you are being shaken apart.
Ishtar is coming down!
The perversion that has embedded itself throughout the earth is being displaced and driven out.
What is coming and what is being released will turn your stomach when you see it.
What has been done unto My children will be dealt with.
My justice and vengeance is at hand.
I am releasing My Ecclesia to take back the ground the enemy has taken as they walk close with Me.
Let it also be known; I am taking out Moloch!
The thirst for blood and power is about to be cut off, the sacrifice of innocent babies, children, men and women is going to be exposed on a scale no one has ever imagined possible!
The evil kings, regimes and occult are going to be exposed for the world to see.
For they have ungodly alliances and gain their evil power by the shedding of innocent blood unto Moloch.
I am cutting off the supply chains they count on!
My hand of protection and grace rests upon those I have chosen, gifted, and empowered to lead the charge.
Remember, first and foremost it is a spiritual battle, and the victory is in the hands of My people through weaponized prayer and fasting, providing spiritual air support for those on the ground called by My name.
My people must examine their hearts and lives, for if there is any wicked way within them, they will not be able to walk into battle in confidence and authority if they are compromised by these ones—Baal, Ishtar or Moloch.
In fact, they themselves will be at risk.
Where the enemy holds legal rights in My people there must be repentance and turning unto Me.
For I shed My blood to free them, cleanse them and My body was broken to heal them.
So, turn to Me today so I can wash you, cleanse you and make you whole and break these demonic strongholds off of you.
For I am looking for a Bride without out a spot or wrinkle.
I have made the way, I am ready and waiting, it is up to you to get ready.
For I cannot resist My beautiful Bride as a bridegroom can’t resist his bride on that day of covenant marriage!
“Barry, tell My people that My wrath is not against them, but in fact My wrath is coming to take out any darkness that is in them and that besets them.
My love for them does not diminish in the midst of their pain and brokenness.
It only increases as I desire the best for My children.
My love never fails!
Freedom is advancing!
Justice is taking her seat!
Healing is coming through the nations!
A new era is upon you!
You will see how great and mysterious are My ways!”
Holy is the word of the Lord.
Barry Wunsch
The Canadian Hammer
PO Box 25069 Deer Park
Red Deer Alberta, T4R 2M2
God Bless and Protect you and your families!
God Bless and Protect Israel!
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!