Prophetic Encounter / Word for Canada / UN / WEF…

by | Jan 10, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Prophetic Encounter / Word for Canada / UN / WEF 2023
January 9, 2023 11:28 pm
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch
The Canadian Hammer

Today I had an open vision, as I prayed and
pressed into it Holy Spirit took me in deeper
and spoke to me regarding Canada.
Here it is, raw, nothing more, nothing less.
Respectfully submitted in the fear of the Lord.

I was taken into the spirit, and I watched
as a handful of MPs were preparing and
packing up black bags/briefcases for a trip.
There were men in black, standing around
them as they were preparing to go.

They now seemed nervous and my sense
was they were coming to the realization
that they had gone too far, and there
was not going to be an easy way out.
Like it or not – they were now being
used as pawns to do some things
that potentially could change things

I watched as they were handed
flight information, itineraries, and
instructions for the mission.

They were also each handed a thick blue
covered book that had big bold letters. ‘UN’
and the UN emblem and below it ‘WEF
Forum 2023’

These books that had been given to
to these MPs had been prepared for them
with yellow sticky notes – page markers with
highlighted segments that in particular
were of great relevance for Canada.

They were also each given a large
legal sized manila envelope with a
draft copy of an agreement for
their review prior to meeting
and signing.

It was only a formality, as in fact
they had no choice to change or
alter the document in any way.
This was only for optics.

I was then taken in the spirit
down a hallway and into an office
reception area. There was turmoil
in the air. The main reception lady
was not there, but in her place there
was a man in black. The door from the
reception area to the adjoining office was
wide open and there was PM JT and a few more
of these men in black.

JT appeared to be intoxicated and
hard to control. He was acting as
a childish teenager who was not
getting his way.

These guys went about their business
and packed his package (the same as the others)
to go as he was in no shape to do it himself.

His behavior was erratic and over the
top dramatization of emotional

One of the men in black was making
calls to coordinate what was going on.
JT was clearly a puppet for what was
about to take place.

There was an American agent also in the
room as a representative of the American Biden
administration. He was dressed differently
and had a security name badge lanyard on
for his identification.

He was there to bring assurance to
the Biden regime that JT would fulfill
his commitment for things to proceed
as planned.

The more I watched it was harder to
say if this unusual behavior was from
drug or alcohol impairment or a mental
health breakdown, regardless JT was
not in good shape.

It was clear that JT did not have
control of his office, or government.

He was a managed asset, and was being used
to give access to Canada and all that she is and
that she holds as a Nation to the advancement and
transfer to other entities.

Canadian sovereignty was in the balance.

I was then taken in the spirit to a level in the
atmosphere where I watched Angelic
Hosts coming in and over Canada.

There were so many, as far as my eyes
could see, they were coming in – preparing
for battle.

Canada was in no way prepared for what
was coming.

From what I could see in the natural Canada
would not stand a chance to fight and win
this battle on her own.

It would take the deployment of this
Angelic host to assure the victory.

They had gleaming red and white armor on,
and were created for this moment in history.
I watched as they were rolling in, taking
formation and waiting for the Lord God
Almighty – The Lord of Hosts to release
them to do His bidding!

I could see that once released things
would happen fast.

As I watched this coming together,
I could hear in the spirit the travailing
prayers of the saints.

There were not many, but the sound
of what they were releasing penetrated time and space moving the
Fathers heart for the Nations.

As I was watching this happen the Holy Spirit
spoke clearly to me:

‘Canada this land that I love – the True North
Strong and Free – I have called you, and you
are mine.

Canada it is time to turn your hearts
to me.

For what is coming Canada, you are not

There is a remnant in this land that
has stirred my heart, who have cried
out night and day on your behalf.

The trees that you thought would give
you shelter are not what you thought
they were.

They in fact are rotten to the core.

Canada – the political trees in your Nation
shall be pulled up and out for they are in
my way for what I am about to do.

For I am re-establishing righteous government
over this Nation.

It is not going to look as you suppose,
or in ways of days gone by.

You cannot do this through a political
spirit, it cannot be done.

For the only way that this will come
to pass is by My Spirit!

Canada take to your knees.

Come draw close to me, incline
your heart to mine.

For from that place, I shall prepare you,
I shall equip you for the days ahead.

I cannot promise that it will be easy,
but I can promise you I will be with you
all the way.

Fear not and abide in my love for you.

For I shall sustain you and protect you.

For I shall be by your side no matter what.

I will never leave you or forsake you, nor
shall I turn my back on you!

Stand strong, stand in faith, and come
unto me and I will fill your lamp with oil!
I will sustain you all of your days!

Holy is the word of the Lord

God Bless and Protect you and your families!
God Bless and Protect Israel!
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers, love and support. May God Richly Bless you all!

Barry Wunsch
PO Box 25069 Deer Park
Red Deer, Alberta
T4R 2M2

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