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Prophetic Encounter: The Battle of the Ages! The Wealth Transfer is at hand! 

February 28, 2024

Respectfully Submitted

Barry Wunsch


Throughout the night I was taken into the Spirit, I am not sure if I was awake, or if I was sleeping. I was taken into an encounter and this is what I saw.


Taking Inventory


I was taken into the spirit where I found myself overlooking a valley.


It was rugged forest and mountainous terrain.


I was brought to a hidden and secure entry point into this mountain.


It was a large tunnel, very old.


It was not an active site or active base as some are.


This was more of a remote underground storage facility in the middle of what seemed like nowhere.


As I watched this mountain’s entry, there was a militarized special task force that prepared the way for a special high-level official and his team visit.


I watched them as they took formation with a couple of rows of what looked like an honor guard for those who were going to be coming to pay this site a visit.


Behind these ones formed another line of rock-solid defense.


This line was much different than the first.


It was an angelic host, they were all business, and without them and their covering things could not be done.


It was not long until there was the arrival of a highly trained military team, and another angelic host.


They had a high-level assignment and that was to get a very high level official and his team into this facility to take an inventory and do an inspection of the assets that had been secretly stored there for a very, very long time.


They were preparing to see these hidden assets, safety secured, protected, and removed from where it had been hidden for a very long time, some for centuries and some for decades.


What had been hidden and kept in darkness was about to be brought into the light and released for the glory of God and His Kingdom purposes in the earth!


This underground facility was between 15 and 20 acres.


The majority of this space was for mass storage, however, there was some space for operations to work out of.


We were taken to another secure underground entry that led into this storage facility.


These assets were being transferred into the hands of the righteous, and this was the beginning of the handover.


The amount of wealth that was being released was staggering!


The integrity of this righteous team was above and beyond.


There was not one ounce of greed or evil among them.


These were men and women God put in position.


He has hand-picked and prepared each one to carry this out historical event.



Wall Street & the New York Stock Exchange Crash


I was taken into the spirit to Wall Street and the New York stock exchange.


They were on the floor trading when suddenly there was a tipping over that clearly could not be stopped.


The markets redlined and chaos ensued.


A crash beyond anything we had seen before.


As markets crashed, these traders were going crazy—beyond panic.


This Babylonian system had hit the wall, and the Lord was bringing it down!


One system was being taken down in order for a new one to be switched on.


We are being taken from a system that has been ran and controlled by the kingdom of darkness into a new system, a quantum system that is controlled by the kingdom of light!


The Father is bringing a distribution of retribution and wealth back to His people.



The Battle of the Ages


I was taken into the spirit where I was high over North America, and I could see lights going out, first here and then there.


Something bigger was going on!


There were real conflicts breaking out all over between good and evil.


Things were at a boiling point and things were boiling over.


As things were going down, I saw lightnings of God and the Spirit of God hitting cities and regions.


I saw angelic armies and hosts being deployed across North America and other nations.


This was a battle of the ages.


The enemy had released the hordes of hell to destroy all he could, but without success!


And it was now payback time.


The Lord of Hosts was coming in to recover all!


It didn’t take long before I saw brilliant explosions of light, the light of His glory exploding not only across North America but around the world!


Places of great darkness now were immersed in the Light of His glory!


I saw nation after nation refired, rebirthed by and for the glory of God.


New Quantum Network


I watched as a new quantum network was switched on and radiant golden beams of light quickly began to jump from nation to nation.


This was brand new.


We had never seen anything like it.


There was no room for the enemy to control and manipulate what was now being released throughout the nations!


This was what we have been waiting for!


The Father bringing His people out of bondage!


Out from under evil regimes and rulers!


They were done!


They were finished!


A Word from the Lord

As the Lord had me up and as I was writing this out, He spoke to me, and this is the word He gave me:


“Barry, tell My people there is so much that you are unaware of.


You have been led astray by lies and deceptions of those who you thought you could trust.


It is time for the nations to know the truth!


It is time for My people to arise and walk in the fullness of the authority I have bestowed upon them.


“The Harvest is at hand!


What you have sown, you shall reap.


Good or bad.


Today, I implore you to come unto Me in humility and repentance.


I will extend My forgiveness and My grace.


From that heart posture I can bring restoration, healing and deliverance unto you and I can break every curse upon you.


From that place, I can catapult you into your Kingdom destiny.


Hear My heart, hear My cry, hear My plea to come unto Me today.


“Barry, tell My people that what I am bringing to them in this moment in history is going to change the nations forever.


There is no political plan that will be able to do what I am about to do!


Do not put your hope where it does not belong!

For it is time to bring My Kingdom governance to the nations and there is nothing that can stop it!


I will shake it all, holding nothing back to get things out of the way and to bring things into place!


Hold fast unto Me like never before, and let’s do this together!


Holy is the word of the Lord.



Barry Wunsch

The Canadian Hammer



God Bless and Protect you and your families!

God Bless and Protect Israel!

God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!

God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!


Barry Wunsch

PO Box 25069 Deer Park

Red Deer, AlbertaT4R 2M2



