Prophetic Encounter: Church & Government Leaders – Cover ups are about to be brought into the light! Healing and Restoration is at hand!

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Prophetic Encounter: Church & Government Leaders – Cover ups are about to be brought into the light! Healing and Restoration is at hand!

February 21, 2025

Respectfully Submitted,

Barry Wunsch


The Lord took me into the Spirit February 21,2025 into this encounter and I have been praying into it and holding these ones up before the Father, praying for healing and restoration to come.


I had not felt to release it since that time, but earlier this week, Holy Spirit has been taping me on the shoulder and prompting me it was to be shared now.


So, in obedience to the Father, here it is unedited. I ask you to pray for these ones to all come into healing, deliverance and restoration.


May we be a people who can love one another through rough waters.


Encounter as follows:

As I was going about my day,  I kept getting glances in the spirit. What I was seeing was the same thing but from different perspectives.


I found myself in a church sanctuary.

There was a huddle of leaders, in a tight circle.


It appeared that they were surrounding a National Faith Leader and his wife.


These surrounding leaders were so focused on this couple that they were not really paying attention to what was about to happen.


They had not taken the warnings seriously.

In fact, it was as if they had the arrogance to think that they were above it.


I knew by the spirit of God this leadership couple were covering things up and had surrounded themselves with leaders and a support team that were blinded by the flattery and the access to this couples platform they justified their inaction to deal with the facts,  accusations and evidence that was coming forward involving them.


They hid behind the phrase “Honor your leaders” as to deflect the things that were coming out against them.

They had carefully chosen national leaders to hide behind riding on their influence and status.


As I was watching this going on and the unhealthy dynamics of it, I watched as the Lord entered the room.


It was only then when I saw these surrounding leaders’ shifting positions and gaps began growing around and between these leaders and protectors.


When they realized that the Lord was coming in to deal with them, and what had been going on, some of the inner circle were now changing positions as they were seeing what they were protecting was not as they thought it was.


They were now forced to get out of the way so healing and restoration could come along with truth as this couple were now being forced to take account and answer for their actions.


The conviction of the Lord would not let these surrounding protective leaders and support staff play defense and protector any longer. No longer could they hide and cover up the things that had gone on and were going on.


The opportunity for repentance was now.


They had the choice to come clean and repent, and a path of restoration, but what I saw was a double down on the lies.


In the end, the truth was coming out either way, it would just be a more painful path for all because of the pride and ego that was on them.


The narcissist characteristics were now in full view for all to see.


Correction and restoration were at hand, and I saw healing eventually come to them as they were broken.


The next thing I knew, I was in a room with governmental leaders, and I watched the exact same thing playing out there!


There were government leaders in the same compromised position.


Those they once counted on to cover for them were stepping away as evidence became clear and consequences began to shape.


It was now everyman for himself.


Unrighteousness alliances were dissolving before my eyes in both rooms. The church leaders and the governmental leaders.


It was time the Father had come to clean things up.


These individuals had free will to repent and clean things up or continue with on-going deception to keep the business and cash flow coming in.


Unfortunately, it was in this place where they lost all spiritual and moral authority to lead with power and legitimacy they once had.


The wells they had once drank from were now going dry.


I was taken up in the spirit and I saw a trail of debris behind these leaders. It was messy, painful, and very hard to look at.


There were so many so deeply wounded from these actions, many were not sure if they would ever recover.


The pain of the betrayal and being used and exploited was now crystal clear for them. The blinders had been removed from their eyes.


These ones had been so burnt, so hurt they vowed never to get involved in the Church again.


It was then when I watched the Lord come into the room.


He had a towel tied around His waist and He carried a water basin and pitcher full of water.


I watched Him as He knelt before each hurting Son and Daughter and washed their feet. He held them. And He cried and wept with them.


I watched as He went one to another washing feet and healing hearts,  it was most precious thing I have every seen. The tangible, healing love of God.


Eventually, even these broken rebellious leaders came in brokenness and repentance and the Lord washed their feet, held them as they wept in His arms.


The healing and restoration was evident.


It would take some time, but they would be restored, but not necessarily back to ministry and leadership.


There was work ahead for retribution and restoration to run its course.


The Father was not going to see it only halfway through, He wanted complete healing and restoration. And so it was!


The Lord was not going to stop until it had all been accomplished.


Healing and restoration for all.


That’s who our God is, loving, faithful and true, and He is forming us into His image.


Most Sincerely,

Barry Wunsch

The Canadian Hammer



God Bless and Protect you and your families!

God Bless and Protect Israel!

God Bless and Protect the United States of America the Beautiful!

God Bless and Protect Canada the True North Strong and Free!


Barry Wunsch

PO Box 25069 Deer Park

Red Deer, Alberta

T4R 2M2