by | Feb 27, 2025 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

*** Prayer Briefing February 26, 2025 / CANADA / THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / NORTH AMERICA ***

Respectfully Submitted,

Barry Wunsch

The Canadian Hammer


The ground is being prepared in Canada for the rebirthing of our Nation and Revival.


Last week the Canadian Federal Government and the Canadian Military announced changes to the criteria and fundamental process of recruiting and accepting members into the Canadian Military.


The changes are most disturbing and further cause concern for the Canadian people, the safety and security of not only our Nation but furthermore the risk and threat that this is to not only the United States of America but to the security and safety of North America.


Canadian government officials of Liberals, NDP and The Conservative Party of Canada are moving further towards making us the first Post Nation State to be controlled and governed by evil Globalist organizations – the UN, the WEF and the WHO.


No longer do you have to be a Canadian citizen to join the Canadian Military, nor do you need to speak our National languages of English and French, Nor do you have to pass a physical or aptitude exam.


This has now clearly opened the door for further foreign troops to join our Canadian services, essentially UN forces to police our Nation in times of National Emergency Measures.


This threat, if not curtailed by our illegitimate Federal Government (and they won’t- as they are the ones who put the changes in place) now puts us in a position of great risk not only to innocent Canadians but to the United States of America and this continent.


Average ordinary Canadians are now put into a position of vulnerability and high risk.


With Liberal incumbent Mark Carney being positioned to be the new leader of the Liberal party of Canada and our Prime Minister without a vote puts us at great risk.


He has publicly indicated last week in Kelowna BC that he will invoke the Emergency Measures Act in Canada when in office.

This is under the guise that it is to protect the Canadian people from President Trump and tariffs and economic repression on Canada, when in fact it is the Canadian government and the furthering of the Global agenda to take away the sovereignty of our Nation and putting the Continent at risk.

Further indications are that they are positioning to postpone our Federal election into 2026.


The fact remains that the sovereign people of Canada wholeheartedly reject this action plan of the current Canadian government, and its intention to make us the first Post Nation State.


If we think that a cleverly written legal fight and action against our Government is going to help free Canada in this existing system, it is not. Our judicial system is controlled by the same evil folks.


Let it also be known that the sovereign people of Canada desire to liberated from the Global Cabal and our illegitimate government.


We would welcome the help of President Trump and our dear American brothers and sisters to help remove of our tyrannical illegitimate Cabal government and see justice served under international law for crimes against humanity.



Canadians are asking for help from President Trump and our dear American Brothers and Sisters to be liberated, not to be rescued or taken over.


There is a heart in the Canadian people to do it ourselves, but we are looking for support from President Trump to help save Canada.


With this being said, there will be a day where Canada is rebirthed out of the Constitutional Monarchy and into a Constitutional Republic and FREEDOM!


In consideration of active threats and foreign troops on Canadian soil we are acutely aware that time is of the essence.


The current Canadian Governmental and Cabal Globalist governance is simply never going to allow us to be a free people and Nation.

There is no way to fix it, or make it into something it is not, or ever will be. It must be dismantled and rebuilt.


God has been leading us down a new path for some time to see Canada saved and become the Nation that we are destined to be, rest assured there is a lot more going on behind the scenes right now than you know.


God is preparing a path for Canada to be rebirthed and fulfil her destiny from God.


He is doing His part, and we must do ours.


May we walk this path in lock step with the Lord letting Him lead the way as He has thus far.

For it is only by His Grace, His Power and by His Hand that we will see real freedom, revival, and restoration in our Nations!


Most Sincerely,

Barry Wunsch

The Canadian Hammer



God Bless and Protect you and your families!

God Bless and Protect Israel!

God Bless and Protect the United States of America the Beautiful!

God Bless and Protect Canada the True North Strong and Free!


Barry Wunsch

PO Box 25069 Deer Park

Red Deer, Alberta

T4R 2M2