Not one conservative stood up against this one.! Not…

by | Jun 4, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Not one conservative stood up against this one.!

Not one.

Not Pierre.

Not Leslyn.

Not one “Christian” leader stood up and raised their voice to protect the children.

Not only was it crickets, but they celebrated it with a standing ovation.


This C-4 is another DEMONIC Bill.

It is time for another reformation in Canada.

Do not be mistaken, it is coming and everything shall be exposed for what it is.

Canada, it is time to wake up, and stand up.

This is going to be an interesting summer…

Thank you Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson for sharing this.

Hold the Line
Barry Wunsch
The Canadian Hammer
May 31, 2023 #Canada #News #Politics
Bill C-4 criminalizes parents or authoritative who dare “to tell a child that they should not transition but rather love themselves for who they are.” The House passed the bill unanimously with a standing ovation. God doesn’t make mistakes but our politicians consistently do.
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CLIP from May 26th Podcast titled: “Are the Friendly Skies the Safe Skies?”
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#BillC4 #Canada #LauraLynnLive #News #Politics
Just Awful! Bill C4 is Passed in the House to a Standing Ovation
Just Awful! Bill C4 is Passed in the House to a Standing Ovation
Bill C-4 criminalizes parents or authoritative who dare “to tell a child that they should not transition but rather love themselves for who they are.” The Ho…