February 5, 2025: Lament for Canada
Respectfully Submitted,
Barry Wunsch
I felt the Lord speak to me today, and to share this with His people in Canada, the Church and its leaders.
For we know and are told in Scripture; Righteousness exalts a Nation.
It is on this basis, that I exhort us to consider our ways and what company we are keeping and supporting and how that relates to leading those we are entrusted to shepherd, protect and care for.
The choices we make today not only will impact us, our family, and friends not only for the few short days ahead but for generations to come.
For us to just say, “that is not our lane, or that we have no grid for these things” does not or will not alleviate our obligation the Lord has given us to protect and guide His flock.
There will be a day where we will have to hold an account to the Lord.
We cannot let fear of losing a charitable status, a CRTC license or any other certifications stop us from speaking the truth.
For who has become your master if you are afraid to speak truth?
This begs to ask the question, why are we afraid of publicly addressing the critical threats that are at hand?
And why would we support evil Cabal kings and regimes that promote death by way of late term abortion, Medical assisted suicide 70,000 plus now I may add. Bill C4 that strips parental rights to council or pray for their children who are confused and wanting to have surgery to remove genitals let alone a 5-year sentence for doing so?
Can we not see the same gaslighting that Federal and provincial governments have done to us are now the same gaslighting practices that many of our Christian leaders are doing to us?
Tell me why, help me understand why we are not willing to talk about the threats of foreign troops on Canadian soil that threaten us with making us a Post Nation State taking away Canadas Sovereignty?
Why are we afraid to talk about militant groups that are here with real time threats against God’s people in Canada?
Why are we afraid to talk about only two genders as we see in Scripture?
Why would we support existing Legacy Political parties that are deeply embedded in the WEF, the UN, WHO let alone the Paris Accord to deconstruct Canada?
Why can we not see that our existing Political parties, the Liberals, Conservatives and NDP alike are all bought and paid for and are puppets in the hands of a Global Cabal deceiving Canadians with a charade of lies and empty promises?
Make no mistake about it, their plan is well in play.
But let it be known the Lord is going to bring liberation to Canada. One way or another.
It will come in a way that you see as impossible.
We are in a critical moment. The most ever I can assure you.
How much longer shall we sit on the couch and let the enemy take over the Nation?
It is time to humble ourselves, repent and turn away from our spiritual pride, our prophetic pride and egos, defending and justifying our inaction or outright resistance to what God is raising up here.
It is time to repent of selfish motives to preserve our ministry and platforms by avoiding truthful conversations under a thin excuse “the people are not ready for it”.
The truth be known, they are looking for leaders to stand up, lead in honesty, integrity, and truth.
Failure to do so results in real authority to lead.
How long are Christian leaders going to censor truth from Gods people?
How long will we pander to Cabal political leaders being blinded by stardom and proximity to power while compromising our values in God?
May we have the courage to have another look at things, and the humility to act accordingly.
Canada is in a state of National crisis.
We live in a country were rule of law has failed.
We simply can’t continue the way we have.
How can we be double minded – wanting God to take back the Nation into revival on one hand while we support Evil Kings and Cabal death culture on the other?
We need to choose this day whom are we going to serve?
If it is Baal, serve Baal.
If it is the Lord, serve the Lord.
But choose this day!
The Lord is rebirthing Canada, and we shall fulfill the destiny He had for us.
It is no longer just coming. One way or another!
It is here.
As for me, I will serve the Lord.
As for me and my house I wholeheartedly back and support the leadership of righteous God fearing, God loving and God honoring governance for Canada.
I encourage you to pursue truth.
May God bless Canada and may we once again be The True North Strong and Free!
Barry Wunsch
The Canadian Hammer
PO Box 25069 Deer Park
Red Deer Alberta, T4R 2M2
God Bless and Protect you and your families!
God Bless and Protect Israel!
God Bless the United States of America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!