Prophetic Word: The corporations that parade as Governments & use my people as chattel are coming down!! January 19, 2024 Respectfully Submitted Barry Wunsch Holy Spirit woke me this morning at 4 am and was stirring me and pulling me into the Spirt with...
News & Updates
Prophetic Word / Encounter: Those who plot for evil in Davos will plot in vain! January 17, 2024, 3:00 am
Prophetic Word / Encounter: Those who plot for evil in Davos will plot in vain! January 17, 2024, 3:00 am Respectfully Submitted Barry Wunsch Holy Spirit woke me at 3:00 am this morning with a very strong presence in my room. I could not move, nor did I want to move!...
Prophetic Encounter, The Federal Reserve; Justice is upon us! January 18, 2023
I have shared this word in the past and it has been stirred in me for the past week, I believe that it is to be shared again today. I believe this is unfolding right now. Prophetic Encounter, The Federal Reserve; Justice is upon us! January 18, 2023...
The Take Down of Corrupt Systems and Wealth Transfer! 01.12.2024
Once again, I am so honored and humbled to be on Elijah Streams this Friday January 12, 2024, 12:00 MST. And, I am so thankful for all the prayers, love, kind words and support from you all. The battle has been fierce – but we will stand – and we will advance...
Prophetic Dream: The Time we have been waiting for, December 12,2023
Prophetic Dream: The Time we have been waiting for. December 12, 2023 2:40am Respectfully Submitted, Barry Wunsch The Canadian Hammer DECEMBER 12, 2023- THE TIME WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR I woke up at 2:40am after a dream and as I got up and was writing it out the...
Christmas Tribute to our U.S & Canadian Military Forces 2023 Christmas Tribute to our U.S & Canadian Military Forces Merry Christmas & thank you for your service to all our Veterans, Whitehats and those in active service here and abroad. We honor you and your...
This is the time we have been waiting for! December 22,2023 Here is the link to the last Elijah Streams interview with Steve Shultz and their incredible team, if you have not seen it, I would encourage you to check it out. We are in a...
Merry Christmas 2023 from our house to yours!
Merry Christmas and may God Bless and Protect you and your family, and may He overshadow you in all your ways during this season and the year ahead ! Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for all your prayers, love, kind and encouraging words and...
From Stale Mate to Check Mate Part 1 of 3 12/20/23
I invite you to check out my last interview with Pamela Christian on Faith to Live By. It is the first episode of three to be released over the next few weeks. We go into some deeper water in these ones. I pray that you will be encouraged and the Lord...
Let us go higher! Real Love. Authentic Family. Genuine Community.
Let us go higher! Real Love. Authentic Family. Genuine Community. December 7, 2023 Barry Wunsch The Canadian Hammer I highly value and desire to be part of a community and family to have healthy relationships in my life. The importance of love,...