Prophetic Dream Encounter: What John F. Kennedy couldn’t finish, Donald J. Trump will! Saturday July 8, 2023: 2:20 pm I laid down this day for an afternoon rest and had a dream and encounter. Here it is as raw and unfiltered as it was. I was taken by the Spirit of God...
News & Updates
I invite you to join me on Elijah Streams Friday…
I invite you to join me on Elijah Streams Friday July 14, 2023 at 12pm MST. I was taken in the spirit and shown some secret files on the Global Elites. Also sharing words for Canada and the USA. It is intense. I hope you will join us. Sincerely, Barry Wunsch The...
Happy 30th Anniversary to my Dearest Bride Judy Wunsch! His…
Happy 30th Anniversary to my Dearest Bride Judy Wunsch! His Banner over us is Love! It was then, and it is now. Where has the time gone? It seems as if it were only yesterday! The Father knows how to bring healing and restoration to the most broken and hurting and you...
If there is one movie you need to go and…
If there is one movie you need to go and see, this is it. Sound of Freedom Child and human trafficking are at all-time highs. Pedophilia and child porn at staggering numbers. Groups marching on our streets - chanting "We are coming after your children!" It is time to...
*** Prayer Breifing July 1, 2023 *** From the bottom…
*** Prayer Breifing July 1, 2023 *** From the bottom of my heart ,thank you all so much for all the love, prayers and support youshare with us. It means so much more than you know. We remain steadfast and are on a very narrowpath these days. We are still in the middle...
God Bless and Protect Canada the True North Strong and…
God Bless and Protect Canada the True North Strong and Free! Lord bring healing, deliverance, breakthrough, revival and reformation in our land, drive out the the enemy, stir up your people in this land to stand for You and advance your kingdom. Lord bring healing to...
June 24,2023 I will not bow to the religious spirit.…
June 24,2023 I will not bow to the religious spirit. I will not bow to the political spirit. I will not bow to Jezabel. I will not bow to control and manipulation. I will not bow to fear. I will not be an enabler. I will stand for truth, righteousness and justice. My...
God Bless America. Heading back to Canada today. We are…
God Bless America. Heading back to Canada today. We are brothers in arms. We are greatful for you. We are in this together. May we grow even closer as the Kingdom of God advances! Advance the Line! With Love and Respect All honor and Glory be unto God Barry Wunsch The...
I was just sent this today. Things are happening!
I was just sent this today. Things are happening!