Prophetic Word for Israel December 25, 2021, 4:44 am Early…

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Prophetic Word for Israel
December 25, 2021, 4:44 am

Early this morning Holy Spirit had me up, drawing close to me as He does. His presence was heavy, sobering, strong and full of His love and assurance for His Body.
My sense is what is going to break in Israel is going to shake the Nations.
It is going to be a catalyst to Global events and victory.
Once again it is with fear and trembling and in obiediance to the Father that I release this word today.
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch

“Israel Israel the Apple of my eye.
Oh how I long for you once again!
Oh Israel my Beloved, have you had enough of your oppressors?
Oh my precious Israel, you have been infiltrated by deep dark forces. And this deep state has over played their hand.
The eyes of my people are being opened up now.
Israel the eyes of the Nations shall be upon you once again. I am putting you on display for the world to see.
For I am about to move accross this land that I love. And I am going to drive out the evil and I am going to drive out the enemy from your midst.
It will be by my hand so no man can boast.
For I have a remnant in Israel, and they know me intimately as I know them.
I am going to empower them by my spirit, to do what I have called them to do.
There will be exposure on the highest levels you didn’t see coming. The smoke and mirrors are coming down.
I am releasing my fire on the knesset.
The false prophets of media are coming down. They will start inward fighting and it will destroy them as they try to cover and blame shift. In the end there will be nothing left of them. For this is why I am raising up grass roots media, you will see my hand of favor upon them.
Do not be dismayed or fearful as things shake apart, trust me as I shake apart what has to go, and as I rebuild and restore the apple of my eye. You will see miracles in your feilds and on your land. Abundant crops and harvest. The streets will once again be filled with dancing, singing and celebrating!
For Israel this is going to be your finest hour!
My Favor and my Blessings are about to over take you!
Israel – Freedom, truth and justice is being released over you in this hour.
As quickly as you were locked up you will be released. Israel there is nothing coming that I won’t show you before hand so you can handle it with me. Nothing shall be a suprise for you.
Israel you will sound an alarm that the world will hear.
Israel you will lead the charge and I will be with you and I will protect you.
And I will supernaturally empower you to lead the victory.
Those who stand with you I shall bless. And those who stand against you I shall resist and bring them to their demise.
Israel your role is clear to lead the way.
I have been with you in the past, I will do it again.
Turn to me with all your heart once again, draw unto me in prayer and fasting.
Turn from your wicked ways and yes I will heal your land.
Prepare for the prodigals to return! They are being awakened in this hour. Welcome them with open arms! For they are end time harvesters and my grace and favor shall rest on them and they shall advance quickly.
Israel your finest hour is upon you! I am breathing new life into you! Prepare for celebration! A new dawn is upon you and about to break on the horizon! You will not be silenced, you will not be taken out!
For I am with you and I am the Lord of Hosts!
Israel you are a catalyst.
You are a threat to the evil one. And they know it.
So when they come at you it is no suprise.
They will play right into my hand, and your protection and victory is assured in me and with me!
As surely as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west shall my victory prevail not only over you my Beloved Israel but over the Nations at large!
The enemies strongholds shall come down like a house of cards. Nation after Nation they will begin to fall as my Eccliesa take their place with Me.
Hold fast, do not loose heart, stay strong, stay bold and be of great courage for I am with you!”

Holy is the word of the Lord.
Respectfully Submitted
Barry Wunsch
God Bless you and your families!
God Bless and Protect Israel!
God Bless America the Beautiful!
God Bless Canada the True North Strong and Free!
Most Sincerely,
Barry Wunsch
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